====== HW 6 - Social Human-Robot Interaction ====== The goal of this assignment is to create a social interaction application using Choregraphe and Pepper. For details see the assignment PDF. |Assignment | {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw:social_robotics_humanoids_task_eng_.pdf | hw6.pdf }} | |Code template | None provided | |Maximum score | 9 | |Soft deadline | 18.5.2021 23:59:59 | |Hard deadline | 21.5.2021 23:59:59 | ===== Evaluation ===== You are expected to submit a Choregraphe project that contains the robot interaction during dialogue and a report containing your evaluation of the human-like aspects of the interaction. ==== Choregraphe project [6 pts]==== - **Working:** Submit working Choregraphe code. [1 pt] - **Major movements:** The code/timeline uses major movements to perform the robot gestures. [1 pts] - **Minor movements:** The code/timeline uses minor movements to add human-likeness to the movements. [2 pts] - **Dialogue:** The project contains a dialogue combined with the gestures. [2 pts] ==== Report [3 pts]==== - **Clarity:** Submitted well-written and clear PDF for the discussion. [1 pt] - **Identification:** The report clearly identifies and discusses the preprogrammed movements. [1 pts] - **Reasoning:** The report properly defends the design decisions for the submitted Choregraphe project. [1 pts] ===== Submission ===== Please, submit your solution to [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/|BRUTE]]. Upload a ZIP with your Choregraphe project. There is no Smoke test for Choregraphe projects, so the application will be evaluated manually. You can add to the submission a screen-captured video of your working solution (visible Chorepgrahe and robot in it). However, the project still needs to be delivered. Solutions uploaded after the **soft** deadline will gain only **half** of the points. Solutions uploaded after the **hard** deadline will gain **no** points.