====== HW 1 - iCub motor control ====== During this assignment, your task will be to make iCub wave. You have to modify the provided code to move the left_arm with the same amplitude and period of the movement of the right_arm, which is in turn controlled by another module. More details can be found in {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw1.pdf |hw1.pdf}}. |Assignment | {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw1.pdf |hw1.pdf}} | |Code template | {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw1.zip |hw1.zip}} (updated version - 2.3.2022 17:36)| |Maximum score | 5 | |Soft deadline | 16.3.2023 23:59:59 | |Hard deadline | 19.3.2023 23:59:59 | |Reference solution | {{ :courses:hro:tutorials:hw1-src.zip |hw1-src.zip}} | ===== Evaluation ===== Please, submit your solution to the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/|BRUTE]]. Upload just the folder ''src''. The solution should achieve the maximum score in Smoke test. However, the grading in Smoke test provides only a tentative evaluation. The points will be awarded after manual evaluation and code review (Hint: always check the types of incoming data in the Bottle). Solutions uploaded after the **soft** deadline will gain only **half** of the points. Solutions uploaded after the **hard** deadline will gain **no** points.