==== Lectures ===== ^ Lecture ^ Date ^ Lecturer ^ Topics ^ Slides ^ References ^ | 1 | 20.2. | JK | Intro, sample bioinformatics tasks. | {{bin_intro.pdf|intro}} | | 2 | 27.2. | JK | Sequencing algorithms, fragment assembly. | {{bin_assembly.pdf|assembly}} | [[https://makarich.fbb.msu.ru/snaumenko/ngs_lecture/sequence_assembly_demistified2013.pdf|Nagarajan13]], [[http://profs.scienze.univr.it/~liptak/MBD/files/nbt.2023.pdf|Compeau11]] | | 3 | 6.3. | JK | Biological sequence alignment. | {{bin_align.pdf |alignment}} | Durbin's book, ch 2,6 | | 4 | 13.3. | JK | BLAST algorithm and its modifications. | {{bin_malign.pdf|multi align}}, {{bin_blast.pdf|BLAST}} |[[http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~giri/teach/Bioinf/Papers/GappedBLASTPaperNAR97.pdf|Altschul97]] | | 5 | 20.3. | JK | Motif discovery. | {{ :courses:bin:bin_motif.pdf|Motif discovery}} | {{|Dhaeseleer06}} | | 6 | 27.3. | JK | Phylogenetic trees, hierarchical clustering. | {{ :courses:bin:bin_phylo.pdf |phylogeny}} | Durbin's book, ch 7 | | 7 | 3.4. | JK | Phylogenetic trees, parsimony and probabilistic methods. | see the previous lecture | Durbin's book, ch 8 | | - | 10.4. | - | //Easter Monday// | | 8 | 17.4. | JK | Markov models, Markov chains. | {{bin_markov.pdf|Markov chains}}| Durbin's book, ch 3 | | 9 | 24.4. | JK | Hidden Markov models, profile HMMs, gene finidng. | {{bin_hmm.pdf|HMMs}} | [[https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bee/courses/read/burge-jmb-1997.pdf|Burge97]], {{ :courses:bin:hmms-1.pdf |HMM_algs}} | | 10 | 4.5. | JK | Gene expression profiling. | {{:courses:bin:bin_dge.pdf |DGE}} | [[https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8|Love14]] | | 11 | 9.5. | JK | Gene ontology, gene/protein function prediction. | {{ :courses:bin:bin_go.pdf |Gene ontology}} | [[https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1810/289177/gky1055.pdf?sequence=1|GOingStrong19]], [[https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/34/14/2465/4924212?login=true|GOLabeler]], [[https://www.pnas.org/content/102/43/15545|GSEA]] | | 12 | 15.5. | JK | RNA secondary structure prediction | {{bin_strucrna.pdf|RNA secondary}} | [[https://www.molgen.mpg.de/3710236/eddy2004.pdf|Eddy04]], [[https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.2112677119|Vicens22]], Durbin's book, ch 9,10 | | 13 | 22.5. | JK | Modeling of higher protein structures, protein databases. | {{ :courses:bin:bin_folding.pdf |Protein folding}} | [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03819-2|AlphaFold2]], [[https://www.academia.edu/5023856/The_Protein-Folding_Problem_50_Years_On|Dill12]], {{rost.pdf|Rost98}}, [[https://www.biostat.wisc.edu/bmi776/spring-17/papers/lathrop.pdf|Lathorp96]], {{threading-2p.pdf|Threading}} |