====== Lab 01 ====== During this lab, you should learn how to use the //Singularity//, the //tmux//, the //terminal commands of Robot Operating System (ROS)//, and how to //program a simple python subscriber/publisher node//. ===== Singularity ===== The Singularity is software for virtualization via containers that allows you to program and test ARO homeworks and semestral work without installing all ROS dependencies on your computer. * You can learn how to use the singularity on Lab PCs and/or details how to install/build it on your computer [[courses:aro:tutorials:ros|here]]. * To use the Lab computers remotely using ssh or remote desktop refer to [[courses:aro:tutorials:remote_access|this]] page. * **For now with your notebook with Linux OS, you can install singularity, download the image, and run the image using: ** git clone https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/robolab/deploy.git ./deploy/scripts/install_singularity ./deploy/scripts/download_singularity_aro ./deploy/scripts/start_singularity_aro source /opt/ros/aro/setup.bash ===== Terminal multiplexer (tmux) ===== **Tmux allows you to switch easily between several windows in one terminal.**, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal. To start Tmux use: * ''tmux'' - starts a new tmux session * ''tmux a'' - attaches to an existing session Inside tmux session, press //$prefix//''ctrl+b'' followed by any of the keys below to controll the session: * //$prefix//''+ d'' - detach from the session while it keeps running * //$prefix//''+ c'' - create new window * //$prefix//''+ w'' - list windows with option to select one to see * //$prefix//''+ n'' - next window * //$prefix//''+ p'' - previous window * //$prefix//''+ ,'' - name window * //$prefix//''+ %'' - split vertically * //$prefix//''+ "'' split horizontally ===== Robot Operating System (ROS) ===== Robot Operating System (ROS) [[https://www.ros.org/|https://www.ros.org/]] is a set of software libraries that allows you to build a complex robotic system. It is **not an operating system** but rather a very **convenient middleware for sharing data** (messages) between different parts of the robot's software (nodes). When using ROS you can leverage the work of others and use an already very large code base of implemented packages for, e.g., mapping, localization, control, planning, and sensor interfacing. Key aspects/buzzwords to know are: * **ROS architecture** - ROS uses a central node called **master** that registers all software modules (nodes) that want to communicate. The modules then communicate directly with each other using assigned ports. * **master** - Can be started by calling ''roscore'' and needs to be always started first before other nodes. Its address is stored in the environment variable $ROS_MASTER_URI. * **programming** - We will use //python 3//, but ROS also supports programming in //c%%++%%//. * **version** - We will use //ROS noetic// inside Ubuntu 20.04 inside singularity image. * **package** - Software in ROS is organized in packages. Usually, they contain individual nodes with different purposes. * **node** - Executable program that runs some part of the robot's software and uses ROS to communicate with other nodes. Multiple instances with different name can run simultaneously. * **message** - ROS data type used to send information between //nodes//. * **topic** - Named communication channel for particular message types, e.g., camera image topic "/camera/image", that the nodes use to send/receive data from. * **publisher** - Part of a node that sends a //messages// of some type to a particular //topic//. There can be multiple publishers on the same topic. * **subscriber** - Part of a node that receives all //messages// of a particular //topic//. There can be multiple subscribers on the same topic. * **launch file** - Recipe that can start multiple nodes with given params simultaneously. * **workspace** - Place for your project with multiple ROS packages. * **catkin** - CMake-based build system for ROS that builds your workspace packages. Also, auto-generates specified messages based on their definition. * **bag file** - File format in ROS for storing ROS message data allowing to log all transmitted messages within the robotic system. * **rosbag** - A command line tool for recording and playing back the recorded bag files. The code for your projects with ROS is stored in a workspace. **You can create your own workspace in some folder by running the following commands in started singularity image:** cd source /opt/ros/aro/setup.bash mkdir -p catkin_ws/src cd catkin_ws catkin build source devel/setup.bash This code sources the default ROS workspace to make your workspace an extension of the default one. Then it creates the workspace folders and calls the catkin tool to build the workspace. Finally, it sources the workspace to //load// information about all built packages. **Now you can place any of your packages into the src folder and after repeating catkin build and sourcing parts you can use them.** ==== ROS in terminal ==== ROS has many handy command line programs that you can learn. * ''roscore'' - starts the ros master * ''rosnode list/info /ping /kill '' - //list// shows all running nodes, //info// gives you information about a specified node, //ping// checks if you can contact the node, //kill// terminates the node * ''rostopic list/info /hz /echo /type /pub '' - //list// shows all currently available topic names, //info// shows information about a given topic, //hz// shows frequency of messages published on a topic, //echo// prints all messages on a given topic, //type// shows message type of the topic, //pub// publishes a message to a topic * ''rosmsg list/show /package'' - //list// shows all available messages, //show// displays the definition of a given message type, //package// lists messages of a certain package * ''roslaunch '' - launches the of a given * ''rosbag record/play/info'' - //record// a rosbag, //play// existing rosbag, //info// gives you information what is inside a rosbag * ''roscd '' - goes into directory of a given package * ''rosrun '' - starts node from package * ''catkin build/clean/init/config'' - //build// workspace you are in, //clean// workspace you are in, //init// creates a new workspace in current folder, //config// - shows configuration of a workspace you are in **Test the following individual commands. Use the tab for suggestions of node names, topic names, message types, etc.** - Start tmux and run the ''roscore''. - Create new tmux window and test all ''rosnode'' commands on default **/rosout** node. - Publish //std_msgs/String// message on topic ///new// with rate 10Hz using command ''rostopic pub /new std_msgs/String %%"%%data: 'whaaat'%%"%% -r 10''. Test other rostopic commands on this topic in new tmux window. - Test listing all available messages using ''rosmsg list'' and find out what messages are in std_msgs package. Show the definition of one of the message type. - Download and extract the {{ :courses:aro:tutorials:2019-02-20-11-00-56.zip | bagfile }} for first homework. Test robag info to find its content and then play the rosbag. ==== ROS for python ==== In ROS noetic we will use python 3. The most important library that enables interfacing with ROS is //rospy//. The typical content of a package folder in, e.g., catkin_ws/src/my_package/ is: * launch/ - folder with launch files * msg/ - folder with message definitions * src/ - folder with source codes where you can put your nodes * CMakeLists.txt - CMake build file * package.xml - file with information about the package used by the catkin ** Always make sure the python node is a runnable script ''chmod u+x .py'', otherwise you can not start it with rosrun or roslaunch.** ** Always make sure to ''source devel/setup.bash'' in your workspace after you build your workspace with ''catkin build''**. You need to build the workspace if you have new package, if you change c++ code or, e.g., message definitions. Changing python code does not require rebuilding. \\ === Initializing a node and running it === At the beginning of a python script you need to initialize the node such that it is registered within the ROS with ''rospy.init_node('my_node')'' command. Afterwards you can initialize all your subscribers, publishers, threaded workers, etc. Finally you need to run ''rospy.spin()'' which internally runs the messaging system of the node (especially important for subscribers to run callbacks for new messages). \\ === Printing === You can print messages within your package with different severity levels using: * ''rospy.loginfo('your message')'' * ''rospy.logwarn('your warning message')'' * ''rospy.logerr('your error message')'' \\ === Messages === Messages are data structures used to send data over topics. They are composed of either simple or complex data types. Simple types are, e.g.: bool, int, uint, float (with %%N being {8, 16, 32, 64}%%), String, Time, Duration (see standard messages ''rosmsg package std_msgs''). Complex data types are composed of simple ones or their arrays (see, e.g., ''rosmsg info std_msgs/Header ''). Custom message files can be defined in message files and their respective c++ headers and python objects are generated during build. \\ === Publisher === Publisher is an object assigned to a specific topic and message type that you can use to send messages from your node to other nodes. You can create publisher object using: ''publisher = rospy.Publisher('mytopic', AROMessage, queue_size=10)''. Then every time you want to send a message you create a new message object ''msg = AROMessage()'' , then fill it with your data (''msg.message="ahoj"'') and publish it to ROS using ''publisher.publish(msg)''. \\ === Subscriber === Subscriber is an object that basically assigns a callback function to received messages of a given topic name and message type. You can create the subscriber using: ''subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('mytopic', AROMessage , callback)'' ,where the callback is a custom function (''def callback(msg):'') that handles the received message. ===== Lab task ===== Implement a simple publisher and subscriber nodes as specified below. Follow the TODOs inside the code. You can get inspiration on how to write such python nodes in the following [[http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/WritingPublisherSubscriber%28python%29 | ROS tutorial]]. - First download {{ :courses:aro:tutorials:lab01.zip | lab01.zip }} and unpack it in your workspace's src folder (to have catkin_ws/src/lab01_package/). - Implement publisher inside ''publisher.py'' that publish AROMessage on topic "messages" every one second. - Launch the publisher using the launch file ''lab01_demo.launch'' - Implement subscriber inside ''subscriber.py'' that receives the messages and print them in terminal. - Modify the launch file to additionally also start the subscriber node and thus to start both nodes using the same launchfile. - Inside ''subscriber.py'' implement an additional publisher that publishes on topic "messages_sum" a sum of the numbers received inside a given number of last received AROMessages on topic "messages". - Add parameter ''num_messages'' to the subscriber node part of the launch file to be able to change the parameter of how many received messages should be summed. ===== Homework 1 assignment ===== Follow the assignment of the homework [[courses:aro:tutorials:homework01|HW1]] which requires only some additional work compared to the lab task above.