Managing Workspace: clear disp length load save size format
Logical Functions: all any exist find logical
MATLAB as a Programming Language: function
Control Flow: break case else elseif end error for if otherwise return switch warning while
Interactive Input: input pause
Elementary Matrices and Arrays: eye ones rand randn zeros
Special Variables and Constants: eps flops i inf nan
Measuring Time: tic toc
Matrix Manipulation: cat diag repmat reshape
Elementary Math Functions: abs acos angle asin, atan, atan2 ceil conj cos exp floor imag log mod real rem sign sin sqrt tan
Matrix Analysis: cond det kron norm rank rcond rref subspace trace
Linear Equations: \ / chol inv lu pinv qr
Eigenvalues and Singular Values: eig poly schur svd
Matrix Functions: expm funm logm sqrtm
Basic Operations: convhull cumprod cumsum max mean median min perms prod sort sum
Polynomials: roots
Sparse Matrices: spdiags speye sprand sprandn sprandsym find full sparse nnz nonzeros nzmax spalloc spfun spones spy
Sound Functions: sound wavread wavwrite
String to Number Conversion: sprintf sscanf
I/O Functions: fprintf fscanf imread imwrite
Multidimensional Arrays: cat flipdim ipermute ndgrid ndims permute reshape shiftdim squeeze
Cell Arrays, Structures, Object-oriented programming: Do not use them!
Graphics Commands: You can use any.