====== Lab 07 - Threading ====== ==== Simple Threading example ==== The following code runs the example function in a separate thread. The code is being run in 2 places in parallel. #include #include #include void* myThreadFunction(void *arguments){ printf("Thread running.\n"); return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t thread1; pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, myThreadFunction, NULL); printf("Main Thread.\n"); pthread_join(thread1, NULL); return 0; } You will need to add ''-lpthread'' to your compiler instructions. **Exercise 1** Modify the code to create 3 threads. Pass in an ID number to each thread, so you can create the following output: Thread Running. I am thread: 0 Thread Running. I am the main thread Thread Running. I am thread: 1 Thread Running. I am thread: 2 The final parameter of ''pthread_create'' is a pointer which is passed to your function, so you will need to pass in the ID number in this form. ==== Mutexes ==== We can use mutexes to control access to shared variables. The following code shows how a global variable can be modified safely: pthread_mutex_t lock; int someVariable = 20; void* ThreadFunction(void* arguments) { pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); //if multiple threads reach here, only one will pass and the others will wait until it is unlocked, then the next will go someVariable = 50; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return NULL; } **Exercise 2** * Create an array of several numbers. * Create a thread for each value. * Create a global "maximum" variable. * The threads will test if their number is bigger than the maximum, and if so replace maximum with their value. * At the end of the program, print "the biggest number was x". **Extension tasks** * Can you populate your array with random values automatically? * Can you dynamically create the threads in a for loop (for every value in the array) rather than having ''pthread_t thread1'' and ''pthread_t thread2''? * Can you ask the user for the size of the array? **Exercise 3** * Pass strings into the threads. * The strings will be filenames. * In the threads, open the file, count how many characters are present, and set the maximum value to this. * Use another global variable to record the name of the longest file. * When finished, print ''The longest file was ***.txt, which has 162 characters''. ==== Code Example ==== #include #include #include #include void* ThreadFunction(void *arguments){ int* pval = arguments; int val = pval[0]; printf("Hello from thread: %i\n", val); return NULL; } int main() { printf("Remember, as all the threads are running in parallel, the order of the following lines may change each time you run the program!\n"); int* ids = malloc(3*sizeof(int)); ids[0] = 1; ids[1] = 2; ids[2] = 3; pthread_t t1, t2, t3; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, ThreadFunction, &ids[0]); pthread_create(&t2, NULL, ThreadFunction, &ids[1]); pthread_create(&t3, NULL, ThreadFunction, &ids[2]); printf("Main thread is here.\n"); pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL); pthread_join(t3, NULL); free(ids); return 0; }