====== Lectures ====== Lectures will be online on the following Microsoft Teams [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a9c081dedb1fb4638bc6f3a6f3ddfdf81%40thread.tacv2/APG%2520Lectures?groupId=47509142-0827-41ca-8faf-af7b21692b9f&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8|channel]]. ^ Week ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ PDF-EN ^ Lecturer ^ | 1. | 21.9. | Rastrová a vektorová grafika, rastrový obraz, rasterizace čar, typy čar. \\ //**Dostudujte si doma**//: rasterizace kružnice a elipsy. | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg01-line.pdf|line [PDF]}} + {{ :courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg-line.avi | line [AVI, 87 MB]}}, \\ {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg01-circle.pdf|circle}} | JŽ | | 2. | 28.9. | **Státní svátek** | | | 3. | 5.10. | 3D geometry, transformations | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg04-geometry.pdf|geometry}} | JB | | 4. | 12.10. | Camera, projections, object representation | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg04-geometry.pdf|geometry-cont.}} | JB | | 5. | 19.10. | Šrafování a vyplňování oblastí vzorem | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg02-filling.pdf|fill [PDF]}} + {{ :courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg-filling.avi | filling [AVI, 96 MB]}} | JŽ | | 6. | 26.10. | Visibility algorithms | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg05-visibility.pdf|visibility}} | JB | | 7. | 2.11. | Visibility algorithms - part II, Object representation | | JB | | 8. | 9.11. | Light, surface reflectance models, shading | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg06-light.pdf|light, reflectance,shading}} | JB | | 9. | 16.11. | Light, surface reflectance models, shading - part II | | JB | | 10. | 23.11. | Light, surface reflectance models, shading - part III, Introduction to global illumination. | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg07-photorealism.pdf|photorealism}} | JB | | 11. | 30.11. | Ray tracing | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg08-raytracing.pdf|ray tracing}} | JB | | 12. | 7.12. | Radiosity method | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg09-radiosity.pdf|radiosity}} | JB | | 13. | 14.12. | Clipping \\ **Dostudujte doma:** Barvy, třísložková reprezentace spektra, barevné modely, HDR, tone mapping, Rozptylování barev, práce s paletou | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg03-clipping.pdf|clipping}} + {{ :courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg-clipping.avi | clipping [AVI, 99 MB]}} \\ {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg-color.pdf|color}}, {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg-hdri-Cadik.pdf|hdri}}, {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg14-dithering.pdf|dithering}} | JŽ | | 14. | 11.1. | Shadows in rasterization \\ **Dostudujte doma:** Textures, texture mapping | {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg11-shadows.pdf|shadows}} \\ {{:courses:b4m39apg:lectures:apg10-textures.pdf|textures}} | JB | /* | 13. | 3.1. | Zajímavé techniky zpracování obrazu | [[https://cent.felk.cvut.cz/courses/APG/PDF/12-Cartoons.pdf|cartoons]] | DS | */ ==== Lecturers ==== | JŽ | Jiří Žára | | JB | Jiří Bittner | | MČ | Martin Čadík | | DS | Daniel Sýkora |