====== Labs ====== ^ Datum ^ Č.T. ^ S/L ^ Náplň ^ Učitel ^ Materiály ^ | 19-21.09.2022 | 1 | S | __Intro:__ Python, Numpy, Pytorch intro - Home exercise!| SP + PS | [[courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab_01|NumPy & PyTorch tutorial]] | | 26-28.09.2022 | 2 | L | __Regression:__ Backpropagation in computational graphs | KZ | {{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:labs_02_regression.pdf |}} \\ {{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:template_for_students.zip |}} \\ {{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:hw1.zip |HW1 - UPLOAD THE FULL ZIP TO BRUTE! (7b)}} \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-MJ4N73s6s&list=PLQL6z4JeTTQnjvlbssGyFyIxNqooah_wG&index=1| lab2_recording]] | | 03-05.10.2022 | 3 | S | __Classification:__ 1D/2D, 0/1 MNIST classifier, derive logistic loss | PV |{{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:class1.tar |}} | | 10-12.10.2022 | 4 | L | __Convolution:__ 1D/2D convolution, blurring filter, edge detection, ReLu, computational graphs | PV | [[courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:hw2|HW2]] (13b) \\ {{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:vir_conv.py | 1D Conv video}} | | 17-19.10.2022 | 5 | S | __Optimizers:__ convergence rate, oscillations, diminishing gradients, | KZ | {{ :courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:optimizers_student_template.py.zip |}} | | 24-26.10.2022 | 6 | L | __Deep ConvNet I:__ typical structure, ImageNet classifier, using GPU | SP + PS | [[courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab_06|HW3: Image classification]] (13b)\\ {{: courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab6.zip|}} \\ {{: courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab6_ref.zip|}} | | 31-02.11.2022 | 7 | S | __Deep ConvNet II:__ Receptive fields, BatchNorm, Skip connections | JC | [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O8TEnOv_ZFLk80yX7Yz4VT9foTLORMo3BGAdJwsQfro/edit?usp=sharing| batch norm]] \\ [[https://distill.pub/2019/computing-receptive-fields/ | Araujo et al.]] | | 07-09.11.2022 | 8 | L | __Segmentation:__ Net surgery - exploit previously trained classifier.| SP + PS | [[courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab_08|HW4: Image segmentation]] (17b)\\ {{: courses:b3b33vir:tutorials:lab8.zip|}} | | 14-16.11.2022 | 9 | S | // Work on Homeworks (optional consultations upon an email request) // | SP + PS | | 21-23.11.2022 | 10 | L | // Work on Homeworks (optional consultations upon an email request) // | SP + PS | | | 28-30.11.2022 | 11 | S | __GAN I:__ DCGAN for CelebA dataset | DC | [[ http://www.cs.cas.cz/coufal/VIR2022/lab|lab_assignment]] \\ HW5 (10b) | | 05-07.12.2022 | 12 | L | __GAN II:__ ??? | DC | | | 12-14.12.2022 | 13 | S | __Advanced backpropagation methods:__ Backprop through optimization layer and/or RL| KZ | | | 09-11.01.2023 | 15 | S | Presentation of semestral works and feedback | KZ | |