Seminars 2022

We will use Python during the seminars. The internet is full of resources on this popular language. For examlpe this brief overview or the official handbopok or the standard libraries index.

19.4.2022: 2 substitute CZ seminars on MCTS are scheduled for Friday, 22.4.2022, at 11:00 and 14:30 in room KN:E-307

No. Topic 2022 Sources 2021 Sources Links
1 Introduction, Python, BFS/DFS Labs Notebooks (Google drive) Colab 1 Workspaces and libraries in Python
2 MDPs Colab 2
3 POMDPs Colab 3
4 A* Colab 4 Anketa
5 The Bandit Problem Colab 5
6 Value Iteration Colab 6 Anketa, Convergence of Value Iteration
7 Scaling up RL Colab 7 Anketa
8 Games - Alpha/Beta Colab 8 Anketa
9 Test
10 Games - MCTS Colab 9 Anketa
11 CSPs, Scheduling Colab 10
12 Logic & Magic Colab 11
13 Uncertainty in AI Colab 12
14 POMDPs Colab 13,14