HW 3 - Inverse kinematics

You are provided with the 3-links planar manipulator, whose link lengths ℓ1, ℓ2, ℓ3 are all equal and whose tip 𝐸 is identified by the triplet [xe, ye, φe], being (xe, ye) the Cartesian coordinates of the tip, whereas φe is the angle between the link 3 and the x-axis of the root frame. Moreover, the manipulator is actuated by means of 3 motors controlled in velocity that move the joints angles [θ1, θ2, θ3].

You should design a controller, which implements a suitable Inverse Kinematics algorithm to meet the following requirements given in descending order of importance:

1️⃣ Primary task: reach the target position with the tip of the manipulator.

2️⃣ Secondary task: align the tip frame along with the target frame.

More details can be found in hw3.pdf.

Assignment hw3.pdf
Code template hw3.zip
Maximum score 4
Soft deadline 24.3.2021 23:59:59
Hard deadline 27.3.2021 23:59:59


Please, submit your solution to the BRUTE. Upload just the file main.cpp. The solution should achieve the maximum score in Smoke test. However, the grading in Smoke test provides only a tentative evaluation. The points will be awarded after manual evaluation and code review (Hint: always check the types of incoming data in the Bottle). Solutions uploaded after the soft deadline will gain only half of the points. Solutions uploaded after the hard deadline will gain no points.