===== Lab 8: Haskell basics ===== The aim of the lab is to practice function definitions using pattern matching and guarded equations together with the list comprehension. **Exercise 1:** Write a function ''separate :: [Int] -> ([Int], [Int])'' taking a list and returning a pair of lists. The first containing elements on indexes 0,2,4,... and the second on the indexes 1,3,5,... E.g. separate [1,2,3,4,5] => ([1,3,5], [2,4]) //Hint:// Using pattern matching ''x:y:xs'' and recursion. ++++ Solution| separate :: [Int] -> ([Int], [Int]) separate [] = ([], []) separate [x] = ([x], []) separate (x:y:xs) = let (evs, ods) = separate xs in (x:evs, y:ods) ++++ **Exercise 2:** Write a function ''numToStr :: Int -> Int -> String'' taking as input an integer ''n'' together with a ''radix'' denoting the number of symbols used to represent the number ''n'' (for example 2,10,16 for binary, decimal, hexadecimal representation respectively). This function returns a string containing the representation of ''n'' in the corresponding numerical system. For the representation use the standard symbols ''0123456789ABCDEF''. Examples: numToStr 52 10 => "52" numToStr 5 2 => "101" numToStr 255 16 => "FF". //Hint:// The representation can be obtained by consecutive division of ''n'' by ''radix'' and collecting the remainders. The integer division can be computed by the function ''div'' and the remainder after integer division can be computed by the function ''mod''. ++++ Solution| numToStr :: Int -> Int -> String numToStr n radix = if n < radix then [chars !! n] else (numToStr d radix) ++ [chars !! r] where chars = ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'F'] d = n `div` radix r = n `mod` radix ++++ **Exercise 3:** Write a function ''split n xs'' that takes a natural number ''n'' and a list ''xs :: [Int]'' and splits ''xs'' into a list of lists of ''n''-many consecutive elements. The last chunk of numbers can be shorter than ''n''. E.g. split 3 [1..10] => [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10]] split 3 [1,2] => [[1,2]] Use the function ''split'' to implement a function ''average_n n xs'' taking a list of integers and returning the list of the averages of ''n'' consecutive elements. E.g. average_n 3 [-1,0,1,2,3] => [0.0,2.5] //Hint:// You can use functions ''take n xs'' and ''drop n xs''. The first one returns the list of the first ''n'' elements of ''xs''. The second returns the remaining list after stripping the first ''n'' elements off. Further, use function ''length xs'' returning the length of ''xs''. The function ''split'' can be written recursively. If the length of ''xs'' is less than or equal to ''n'' then return just ''[[xs]]''. If it is bigger then take the first ''n'' elements and cons them to the result of the recursive call of ''split'' after dropping the first ''n'' elements. ++++ Solution| split :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] split n xs | (length xs) <= n = [xs] | otherwise = take n xs : (split n (drop n xs)) ++++ The function ''average_n'' can be easily written via the list comprehension using ''split''. The only caveat is the division operation involved in the computation of averages. Even though the inner lists after applying ''split'' are of the type ''[Int]'', their averages are floating numbers. So the type of ''average_n'' is ''Int -> [Int] -> [Float]''. We can compute the sum of an inner list by the function ''sum'' and its length by ''length'' but the type system would complain if we want to divide them. To overcome this problem, one has to convert the integer arguments into floating-point numbers. This can be done by the function ''fromIntegral'' converting an integer into any more general numeric type. ++++ Solution| average_n :: Int -> [Int] -> [Float] average_n n ys = [fromIntegral (sum xs) / fromIntegral (length xs) | xs <- xss] where xss = split n ys ++++ **Task 1:** Write a function ''copy :: Int -> String -> String'' that takes an integer ''n'' and a string ''str'' and returns a string consisting of ''n'' copies of ''str''. E.g. copy 3 "abc" => "abcabcabc" ++++ Solution| copy :: Int -> String -> String copy n str | n <= 0 = "" | otherwise = str ++ copy (n - 1) str -- tail recursive version copy2 :: Int -> String -> String copy2 n str = iter n "" where iter k acc | k <= 0 = acc | otherwise = iter (k-1) (acc ++ str) ++++ **Task 2:** The Luhn algorithm is used to check bank card numbers for simple errors such as mistyping a digit, and proceeds as follows: * consider each digit as a separate number; * moving left, double every other number from the second last, e.g. 1 7 8 4 => 2 7 16 4; * subtract 9 from each number that is now greater than 9; * add all the resulting numbers together; * if the total is divisible by 10, the card number is valid. Define a function ''luhnDouble :: Int -> Int'' that doubles a digit and subtracts 9 if the result is greater than 9. For example: luhnDouble 3 => 6 luhnDouble 7 => 5 Using ''luhnDouble'' and the integer remainder function ''mod'', define a function ''luhn :: [Int] -> Bool'' that decides if a list of numbers representing a bank card number is valid. For example: luhn [1,7,8,4] => True luhn [4,7,8,3] => False //Hint:// Since the numbers are processed from right to left, reverse first the list by the function ''reverse''. Then apply the function ''separate'' from Exercise 1 to split the list into the numbers to be luhnDoubled and the rest. ++++ Solution| luhnDouble :: Int -> Int luhnDouble n | n > 4 = 2*n - 9 | otherwise = 2*n luhn :: [Int] -> Bool luhn xs = (sum evs + sum [luhnDouble x | x <- ods]) `mod` 10 == 0 where rxs = reverse xs (evs, ods) = separate rxs ++++