===== Lab 10: Polymorphic functions ===== **Exercise 1:** Haskell functions can be polymorphic if we use type variables in their definitions. Write a function permutations :: [a] -> [[a]] taking a list of elements of type ''a'' and returning a list of all its permutations. //Solution:// We will use the same approach as in Racket. First, we define a function interleave :: a -> [a] -> [[a]] taking an element ''x'' of type ''a'' and a list ''ys'' of elements of type ''a'' and returning a list of lists where ''x'' is plugged into ''ys'' by all possible ways. E.g. > interleave 0 [1,2,3] [[0,1,2,3],[1,0,2,3],[1,2,0,3],[1,2,3,0]] The base case for the ''interleave'' function is simple as there is only a single way to plug ''x'' into the empty list ''[]'', namely ''[x]''. If the list is of the form ''y:ys'', then one way to plug ''x'' into it is to prepend ''x'' (i.e., ''x:y:ys''). The remaining possibilities can be computed recursively by calling ''interleave x ys'' and prepending ''y''. ++++ Code| interleave :: a -> [a] -> [[a]] interleave x [] = [[x]] interleave x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : [y:xs | xs <- interleave x ys] ++++ Now we can easily define the ''permutations'' function. The base case for the empty list is trivial. For a nonempty list ''x:xs'' we can recursively compute permutations of ''xs'' and interleave ''x'' into all such permutations. Finally, we have to concatenate the results into a single list of permutations. This can be done by the function ''concat'' which is implemented in ''Prelude'' (you also saw how to implement such a function in the lecture. I called that function ''flatten''). ++++ Code| permutations :: [a] -> [[a]] permutations [] = [[]] permutations (x:xs) = concat [interleave x p | p <- permutations xs] ++++ **Exercise 2:** Use the function ''permutations'' from the previous exercise to write a function ''findHamiltonian'' which finds all Hamiltonian paths in a given graph. We first have to represent graphs in a data structure. To be general, we define a graph data structure over any data type ''a''. First, we define a type for edges as pairs of values of type ''a''. Second, we define a parametric algebraic data type ''Graph a'' as a record consisting of a list of vertices and a list of edges. We also make this type an instance of the type class ''Show'' by automatic derivation. type Edge a = (a,a) data Graph a = Graph {vertices :: [a], edges :: [Edge a]} deriving Show Now it is possible to define graphs for instance as follows: gr :: Graph Int gr = Graph {vertices=[1..6], edges=[(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6)]} > gr Graph {vertices = [1,2,3,4,5,6], edges = [(1,2),(1,5),(2,3),(2,5),(3,4),(4,5),(4,6)]} Moreover, we have automatically functions ''vertices :: Graph a -> [a]'' and ''edges :: Graph a -> [Edge a]'': > vertices gr [1,2,3,4,5,6] > edges gr [(1,2),(1,5),(2,3),(2,5),(3,4),(4,5),(4,6)] Recall that a Hamiltonian path in a graph is a path going through all the vertices exactly once. To solve the task, we will use brute force, generating all possible permutations of vertices and checking if they form a path or not. First, we define a helper function ''isEdge'' taking a pair of vertices of type ''a'' and a graph over ''a'' and returning ''True'' if those vertices are connected and ''False'' otherwise. To test the membership of an element in a list, we can use the function ''elem''. Note the type declaration of ''isEdge''. As the function is polymorphic, we have to assume that ''a'' is an instance of the class ''Eq'' so that we test the membership by the ''elem'' function. ++++ Code| isEdge :: Eq a => Edge a -> Graph a -> Bool isEdge (a,b) g = (a,b) `elem` edgs || (b,a) `elem` edgs where edgs = edges g ++++ Next, we define a function testing whether a given list of vertices is a path in a given graph. That can be easily done by list comprehension generating all indexes but the last one. Note the use of the function ''and''. It can be applied to a list of type ''[Bool]'' performing logical conjunction of all its members. ++++ Code| isPath :: Eq a => [a] -> Graph a -> Bool isPath vs g = and [ isEdge pair g | pair <- zip vs (tail vs) ] ++++ Finally, we take all permutations of vertices and test which of them form a path in a given graph. Collecting all such paths is the list of all Hamiltonian paths. ++++ Code| findHamiltonian :: Eq a => Graph a -> [[a]] findHamiltonian g = [p | p <- perms, isPath p g] where perms = permutations (vertices g) ++++ **Exercise 3:** The next exercise focuses on operator overloading. With the boom of neural nets, it became important to find algorithms computing efficiently and precisely derivatives of functions that are used to construct networks layers. There are basically three approaches. The first one is the syntactic derivation manipulating symbolic expressions. The second one is the approximation via the limit defining the derivative of a function at a point. Third, computing derivatives via dual numbers. We will discuss the last approach. Dual numbers are numbers of the form $a+b\epsilon$ for $a,b\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\epsilon$ is something like the complex unit $i$ but instead of $i^2=-1$ we have $\epsilon^2=0$ [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_number]]. For those who like algebra, it can be constructed by taking the ring of univariate polynomials $\mathbb{R}[\epsilon]$ and taking its quotient by the ideal generated by $\epsilon^2$, i.e., $\mathbb{R}[\epsilon]/\langle\epsilon^2\rangle$. If you do not understand the last sentence, you can safely ignore it. As I like algebra I could not resist the temptation to explain it in the algebraic language. Based on the above definition, we can define over the set of dual numbers algebraic operations like addition $(a+b\epsilon)+(c+d\epsilon)=(a+c) + (b+d)\epsilon$, multiplication $(a+b\epsilon)(c+d\epsilon)=ac+(ad+bc)\epsilon+bd\epsilon^2=ac+(ad+bc)\epsilon$. Dual numbers can be used to compute the derivative of a function at a point. Consider first a polynomial $p(x)=b_0+b_1x+b_2x^2$. Let us compute its value at $a+\epsilon$. \[p(a+\epsilon) = b_0 + b_1(a+\epsilon) + b_2(a+\epsilon)^2= b_0 + b_1a + b_2a^2 + b_1\epsilon + b_22a\epsilon=p(a)+p'(a)\epsilon\] So you see that the resulting dual number contains the value of $p(a)$ and also its derivative $p'(a)$. This can be generalized to any analytic function by taking its Taylor expansion at a point $a$: \[f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!}(x-a)^n\] If we evaluate this series at $a+\epsilon$, we get \[f(a+\epsilon) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \frac{f^{(n)}(a)}{n!}(a+\epsilon-a)^n = f(a) + f'(a)\epsilon\] as $\epsilon^n=0$ for $n\geq 2$. Thus we again computed the value $f(a)$ and also $f'(a)$ by evaluating a function $f(x)$ at $a+\epsilon$. We will represent dual numbers as pairs. Thus we declare a new parametric type over a type ''a''. We also automatically derive its instances of the class ''Eq'' and ''Ord''. This automatic derivation orders the dual numbers lexicographically and two dual numbers are equal if they have the same components. data DualNum a = DN a a deriving (Eq, Ord) We also define our own instance of ''Show'' so that e.g. ''DN 3 10'' is displayed as ''3 + 10eps''. instance Show a => Show (DualNum a) where show (DN x x') = show x ++ " + " ++ show x' ++ "eps" In order to be able to evaluate a function at a dual number, we define ''DualNum a'' an instance of ''Num''. Then we can compute $f(a)$ and $f'(a)$ for $f$ defined as any composition of functions from the ''Num'' definition. instance Num a => Num (DualNum a) where (DN x x') + (DN y y') = DN (x + y) (x' + y') (DN x x') - (DN y y') = DN (x - y) (x' - y') (DN x x') * (DN y y') = DN (x * y) (x*y' + y*x') fromInteger i = DN (fromInteger i) 0 abs (DN x x') = DN (abs x) (signum x * x') signum (DN x _) = DN (signum x) 0 I should likely comment on the above definition a bit. The addition, subtraction, and multiplication is clear. The function ''fromInteger :: Num a => Integer -> a'' embeds integers into the set of dual numbers. So it maps $a$ to $a+0\epsilon$. The last two definitions are not mathematically correct. We pretend that ''signum'' function has the derivative $0$ everywhere which is not true at $0$. Similarly ''abs'' has no derivative at $0$. Dual numbers can be also divided if the first component of the divisor is non-zero as follows: \[\frac{x+x'\epsilon}{y+y'\epsilon}=\frac{(x+x'\epsilon)(y-y'\epsilon)}{(y+y'\epsilon)(y-y'\epsilon)}=\frac{xy+(x'y-xy')\epsilon}{y^2}= \frac{x}{y}+\frac{x'y-xy'}{y^2}\epsilon\] So we can make ''DualNum a'' an instance of ''Fractional''. instance Fractional a => Fractional (DualNum a) where (DN x x') / (DN y y') = DN (x/y) ((x'*y - x*y') / (y*y)) fromRational r = DN (fromRational r) 0 Now we can define a function $f$ and evaluate it at a dual number $a+\epsilon$ to compute $f(a)$ and $f'(a)$. The function has to be polymorphic working for any instance ''a'' of the class ''Num'' or ''Fractional''. f :: Num a => a -> a f x = x^2 + 1 > f (DN 5 1) 26 + 10eps Indeed, for $f(x)=x^2+1$ we have $f(5)=5^2+1=26$ and $f'(x)=2x$, $f'(5)=10$. Another example g :: Fractional a => a -> a g x = (x^2 - 2) / (x - 1) > g (DN 0 1) 2.0 + 2.0eps because $g'(x)=\frac{x^2-2x+2}{(x-1)^2}$, i.e., $g(0)=2$ and $g'(0)=2$. The next example is more impressive. Consider the function ''sqr'' computing the square root of a given number. We define this function by iterative computation via the Raphson-Newton method. The function ''iterate f a'' computes an infinite list ''[a,f a, f (f a), f (f (f a)),...]''. So in our case, it calls iteratively ''improve'' to compute better and better estimates. Once two consecutive elements of this infinite list are close enough, we finish the computation. sqr :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => a -> a sqr x = convAbs $ iterate improve 1 where improve r = (r + x/r) / 2 convAbs (x1:x2:xs) | abs (x1-x2) < 1e-10 = x2 | otherwise = convAbs xs I think that it is quite impressive that we can compute a derivative of the function ''sqr'' at a point even though it is defined by an iterative computation. > sqr (DN 9 1) 3.0 + 0.16666666666666666eps Indeed, for $sqr(x)=\sqrt{x}$ we have $sqr'(x)=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}$ so that $sqr'(9)=\frac{1}{6}=0.1\overline{6}$. **Extra bonus:** For those who are interested, we can go even further and make ''DualNum a'' an instance of ''Floating''. If you recall the chain rule, i.e., for a compose function $f(x)=h(g(x))$ we have $f'(x) = h'(g(x))g'(x)$), then it is easy to decode the following definitions. instance (Floating a) => Floating (DualNum a) where pi = DN pi 0 exp (DN x x') = DN r (r*x') where r = exp x log (DN x x') = DN (log x) (x' / x) sqrt (DN x x') = DN r (x' / (2 * r)) where r = sqrt x sin (DN x x') = DN (sin x) (x' * cos x) cos (DN x x') = DN (cos x) (-x' * sin x) acos (DN x x') = DN (acos x) (-x' / sqrt(1 - x*x)) asin (DN x x') = DN (asin x) ( x' / sqrt(1 - x*x)) atan (DN x x') = DN (atan x) ( x' / (1 + x*x)) sinh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2 cosh x = (exp x + exp (-x)) / 2 asinh x = log (x + sqrt (x*x + 1)) acosh x = log (x + sqrt (x*x - 1)) atanh x = (log (1 + x) - log (1 - x)) / 2 Then it is possible to define any polymorphic function over an instance of ''Floating'' and we can compute its derivative. E.g. f2 :: Floating a => a -> a f2 x = x^4 + sin (x^2) - exp x * log x + 7 -- the derivative of f2 df2 :: Floating a => a -> a df2 x = 4*x^3 + 2 * x * cos (x^2) - exp x/x - exp x * log x -- value of f2 and its derivative at 3 > f2 (DN 3 1) 66.34590079693074 + 73.77182176598502eps -- value of df2 at 3 > df2 3 73.77182176598502 **Task 1:** Write a function ''merge :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]'' taking a function ''f :: a -> b'' where ''b'' is supposed to be an orderable type and two lists of elements of type ''a''. Suppose that these two lists are sorted via ''f'', i.e., for ''[a1,a2,a3,...]'' we have ''f a1 <= f a2 <= f a3 <= ...''. As a result it returns a merged sorted list. Once you have the function ''merge'', implement a function ''subseqs :: [a] -> [[a]]'' which takes a list and returns all its sublists (i.e., subsequence of its elements) sorted by their length. //Hint:// The subsequences can be generated recursively because subsequences of ''x:xs'' are just subsequences of ''xs'' together with subsequences of ''xs'' extended by ''x''. To produce the sorted result, use the ''merge'' function. merge :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] merge _ [] ys = ys merge _ xs [] = xs merge f p@(x:xs) q@(y:ys) | f x < f y = x:merge f xs q | otherwise = y:merge f p ys subseqs :: [a] -> [[a]] subseqs [] = [[]] subseqs (x:xs) = merge length (subseqs xs) [x:ys | ys <- subseqs xs]