==== Self check in four steps ==== The folowing self check is not graded. Your feedback from the self check helps to develop further the contents and the organization of PGE. Self check is a compulsory part of the PGE course. \\ Work out the self-check **individually**, without asistance of other persons. \\ **Step 1.** Open your Python IDE or programming editor on your computer or on the web. **Step 2.** Write function ff with two parametrs. The first parameter is a list of integers L, the second parameter is a single integer x. The function returns the number of such elements in L which value differs from x by less than 10. \\ For example, ff returns 2, when list L is [22, 70 31, 49, 60] and x is 25. **Step 3.** Copy into your code the list longList given below in the Data section. Pass longList as the first parameter to ff and pass value 50 as a second parameter to ff. Call ff with the given parameters and verify that this call returns value 39 when you run the program. **Step 4. Report ** Write an e-mail to PGE teacher [[mailto:berezovs@fel.cvut.cz| Marko Berezovsky (berezovs@fel.cvut.cz) ]]. \\ In the e-mail, specify the approximate time you spent on the self check. \\ If you have encountered any difficulties while preforming the self check, describe them in the e-mail.\\ If you experienced no difficulties, mention it in the email. \\ Do NOT send the code of your solution! \\ \\ **Thank you for your cooperation!** ==== Data==== longList = [ 81, 40, 59, 40, 45, 39, 60, 90, 60, 31, 86, 21, 11, 67, 19, 10, 71, 45, 74, 10, 71, 80, 74, 92, 32, 22, 98, 49, 31, 37, 41, 34, 18, 85, 47, 34, 35, 48, 49, 12, 70, 99, 96, 15, 24, 66, 34, 51, 68, 79, 98, 94, 34, 48, 26, 47, 11, 41, 56, 72, 96, 35, 41, 50, 15, 92, 59, 72, 69, 20, 11, 68, 19, 19, 87, 52, 60, 56, 66, 33, 44, 46, 12, 18, 58, 23, 48, 62, 79, 80, 33, 10, 34, 66, 19, 66, 70, 12, 84, 46, 68, 74, 45, 23, 94, 70, 36, 59, 86, 15, 23, 66, 96, 50, 10, 42, 35, 30, 68, 91, 60, 49, 96, 75, 66, 98, 21, 10, 77, 44, 62, 67, 84, 40, 77, 84, 45, 82, 14, 36, 42, 70, 54, 48, 13, 12, 89, 31, 91, 28, 25, 15, 16, 12, 67, 81, 97, 18, 89, 51, 10, 97, 76, 99, 60, 80, 27, 31, 80, 49, 42, 85, 62, 35, 96, 90, 89, 79, 39, 30, 84, 15, 84, 25, 50, 51, 14, 99, 78, 12, 80, 97, 76, 89, 47, 64, 62, 14, 14, 85 ]