====== B4M36PUI/BE4M36PUI – Planning for Artificial Intelligence ====== * Timetable for [[https://www.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B212/public/html/predmety/47/01/p4701306.html|B4M36PUI]] [[https://www.fel.cvut.cz/cz/education/rozvrhy-ng.B212/public/html/predmety/48/69/p4869906.html|BE4M36PUI]] * Discussion forum: [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/forum/forum-1778.html|BE4M36PUI/B4M36PUI Forum]] ===== News ===== 23.2.2022 -- Recorded lectures can be found [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQL6z4JeTTQnvhtqkuD2w93EXZjaqXYjC|here]] ===== Lecturers ===== * [[mailto:lukas.chrpa@fel.cvut.cz|Lukáš Chrpa]] * [[mailto:stefan.edelkamp@fel.cvut.cz|Stefan Edelkamp]] ===== Tutorial lecturers ===== * [[mailto:urbanm30@fel.cvut.cz|Michaela Urbanovská]] * [[mailto:mrkosja1@fel.cvut.cz|Jan Mrkos]] ===== Course evaluation ===== * **Assignments:** There will be two assignments, together for 50 points. * **Zápočet:** For receiving a Zápočet, assignments 1 and 2 must be successfully submitted before deadline and you have to obtain at least 25 points from them. * **[[courses:be4m36pui:exam|Exam]]:** Total number of points possible to get from the exam is 50, and you have to obtain at least 25 points to pass the course. * **Final mark:** Final mark equals to the sum of points from the tutorials (50 points max), and points from the exam (50 points max). ===== Assignments ===== There will be two assignments: * **[[courses:be4m36pui:assignments:assignment1|Assignment 1]]** * deadline: 4.4.2022 11.4.2022 * points available: max 30 (details on the Assignment 1 page) * **[[courses:be4m36pui:assignments:assignment2|Assignment 2]]** * handed out: TBD (early April) * deadline : TBD (mid May) * points available: max 20 (details on the Assignment 2 page) ===== Literature ===== * [[http://www.primaryobjects.com/2015/11/06/artificial-intelligence-planning-with-strips-a-gentle-introduction/|Artificial Intelligence Planning with STRIPS, A Gentle Introduction]] * Malik Ghallab,‎ Dana Nau,‎ Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning and Acting, Cambridge University Press, 2016. * Stefan Edelkamp Stefan Schroedl: Heuristic Search, Theory and Applications, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. * Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traverso: Automated Planning, Theory and Practice, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004.