====== 3. Processor instruction set and translation of algorithm ====== * for lecturer: [[..:..:..:internal:tutorials:03:start|tutorial 3]] ===== Exercise outline ===== - Basic instructions of the processor and their description - Introduction and familiarize with QtRVSim architecture simulator [[..:..:..:documentation:qtrvsim:start|QtRVSim]] - Test program for simple addition - Following tasks extending the program - Transformation source code in C to assembler (RISC-V instruction set). - Peripheral access ===== What shall we do ===== Gain an understanding of how are the machine instructions executed/processed by a simple processor. The simplicity, straightforwardness, and orthogonality of the instruction encoding is an essential reason why most textbooks choose as a model architecture [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS_architecture|MIPS]] processor. But actual license conditions are not clean and the RAM Arch64 and RISC-V architectures are more up to date. That is why the most of the leading universities switched to [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RISC-V|RISC-V]] architecture. Processor directly fetches and executes instructions in the binary form. PC-class personal computers do not allow us to execute RISC-V-based machine code directly on their processor (architecture [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86|X86]]), but there exist many simulators of this architecture. The simulator [[..:..:..:documentation:qtrvsim:start|QtRVSim]] was developed to support the practical experience of this course. ==== Part 1 - Basic instruction - description and use ==== Detailed description: ^ Instruction ^ Instruction Syntax ^ Operation ^ Description ^ | add | add rd, rs1, rs2 | rd ← rs1 + rs2; | Add: Add together values in two registers (rs1 + rs2) and stores the result in register rd. | | addi | addi rd, rd1, imm12 | rd ← rs1 + imm12; | Add immediate: Adds a value in rs1 and a signed constant (12-bit immediate value) and stores the result in rd. | | sub | sub rd,rs1,rs2 | rd ← rs1 - rs2 | Subtract: Subtracts a value in register rs2 from value of rs1 and stores result in rd. | | bne | bne rs1, rs2, Label | if rs1 != rs2 go to PC+2*imm12; else go to PC+4 | Branch on not equal: (conditional) jump if value in rs1 is not equal to a value in rs2 (imm12 = Label - PC)| | beq | beq rs1, rs2, Label | if rs1 == rs2 go to PC+2*imm12; else go to PC+4 | Branch on equal: (conditional) jump if value in rs1 is equal to a value in rs2 (imm12 = Label - PC) | | slt | slt rd,rs1,rs2 | rd ← (rs1 < rs2) | Set on less than: set register rd to one, if the condition rs1 < rs2 is true | | slli | slli rd,rs1,imm5 | rd ← rs1 << imm5 | Shift Left Logical: Shifts value in the register to the left by imm5 bits (ekvivalent to operation multiplication by constant 2imm5 ) | | j | j Label | PC ← PC + 2*imm20 | Jump: unconditional jump to the Label (imm20 = Label - PC)| | lw | lw rd, imm12(rs1) | [rd] ← Mem[[rs1] + imm12]; |Load word: Loads a word from address in memory and stores it in register rd. | | sw | sw rs2, imm12(rs1) | Mem[[rs1] + imm12] ← [rs2]; | Store word: Stores a value in register rs2 to given address in memory. | | lui | lui rd, imm20 | [rd] ← imm20<<12 | Load upper immediate: Stores given immediate value (constant) imm20 to upper part of register rd. Register is 32 bits long and imm20 is 20 bits. | | li | li rd, Immediate | lui rd, (Immediate+0x800)[31:12]; \\ addi rd,rd, Immediate[11:0] | Load Immediate: sets register rd to 32-bitovou constant. It is pseudo-instruction - it is translated into sequence of actual instructions according to the value range. | | la | la rd, LabelAddr | auipc rd, (LabelAddr - pc + 0x800)[31:12]; \\ addi rd, rd, (LabelAddr - pc)[11:0]; | Load Address: sets register rd 32-bit value computer relative to actual PC/instruction address. It is pseudo-instruction - it is translated into sequence of actual instructions according to the value range.| The compact decription of the RISC-V instructions {{ .:..:..:..:tutorials:03:riscvcard.pdf | riscvcard.pdf}} Description of the RISC-V arcitecture at Wikipedia [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RISC-V]]. Autoritative architecture description [[https://riscv.org/technical/specifications]] [[https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-manual/releases/download/Ratified-IMAFDQC/riscv-spec-20191213.pdf|The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume I: Unprivileged ISA, Version 20191213]] ==== Translation of assembler source code to machine code ==== There is no restriction to use any plain text editor for writing assembler source code. In the laboratory, there are installed more text editors and development environments. For example [[https://www.vim.org/|vim]], [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/|Emacs]], etc. We suggest to select [[http://www.geany.org/|Geany]] for those who have no personal preference. Open a text editor and prepare simple assembler source file named ''simple-lw-sw.S''. The suffix capital "''.S''" is crucial. This suffix is assigned by standard development tools for the source files/code in assembler language and compiler decides according to the suffix how to process the file. Other recognized suffixes are ''.c'' for C language source files. ''.cc'' or ''.cpp'' for %%C++%%, ''.o'' for object files (files which content is already translated source code into target machine native instructions but there is not defined to which address will be these code fragments located). Library files suffix ''.a'' (archive) is used for functions libraries, which are included in final executable according to their requirements/use by other files. A final executable file (program) is stored without extension on Unix class systems.. .globl _start .option norelax .text _start: loop: // load the word from absolute address lw x2, 0x400(x0) // store the word to absolute address sw x2, 0x404(x0) // stop execution wait for debugger/user // ebreak // ensure that continuation does not // interpret random data beq x0, x0, loop nop nop ebreak .data .org 0x400 src_val: .word 0x12345678 dst_val: .word 0 Assembly code source file consists of * instruction mnemonics which represent an abbreviation of operation (''lw'' - load word, ''sw'' - save word, ''add'', ''sub'' - subtract), the operands can follow after operation mnemonics. Operands are usually numbers or another specification of registers and immediate numeric constant operands. Operands are separated by comma. * labels (followed by a colon). It is possible to reference these labels from some instruction operands and directives to store raw words or other data into memory. The address to the memory location following the label (instruction or data) is stored in the instruction field or other memory location in the place from which is the label referenced. * control directives (pseudo-instructions) for assembly compiler, they usually start by a dot ''.'' * comments, source files designated by capital ''.S'' suffix are preprocessed before actual translation to machine code/object files. The rules for preprocessing are the same as for the C compiler, and the same format of comments can be used. The following directives are used in the provided sample code * .globl - symbols identifiers following the directive are visible/accessible even outside actual compilation unit. The symbol ''_start'' or ''_ _start'' specifies program entry point by the convention. * .option norelax - disable link time instruction sequences optimizations (for example generate both instructions for li x2, 35 instead of single addi x2, 35) * .set noat - disallow use of temporary assembler register which is used for the realization of some higher level instructions translated by the assembler to the sequence of machine instructions. For example ''la'' (load address), which is macro instruction translated by assembler to the sequence of ''lui'' and ''ori'' instructions. * .set noreorder - forbid instructions reordering by assembler. Assembler is able to optimize ordering of some instructions which allows to fill delay-slots (these are not used by initial simulator setup for simplicity), reordering is not desirable for our code * .ent jméno - the mark for start of a function * .end jméno - the mark for end of a function * .text - switch to fill ''.text'' section which is used to store actual program machine instructions * .data - switch to fill ''.data'' sections which holds initialized data/variables/arrays * .word - the directive to store into actually filed section value specified after the directive The complete manual for GNU assembler and all its directives can be found at [[https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/as/index.html|GNU assembleru]]. The compilation is performed by cross-compiler riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Wl,-Ttext,0x200 -Wl,-Tdata,0x400 -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -nostdlib simple-lw-sw.S -o simple-lw-sw The invocation requires multiple parameters, because standard programs in C language require linking of initialization sequences and library functions. But our actual goal is to describe the lowest level without this automatization the first which allows understanding how it is extended and equipped by automatic initialization sequences and constructs which allows comfortable code writing of programs at a higher level and in higher level languages. Parameters ''-Wl,'' are passed to the linker program and specify to which address is located ''.text'' section with program instructions and to where starts ''.data'' section with initialized variables. Following parameters in the order of their appearance disable automatic addition of startup and initialization sequence (''-nostartfiles'') and disable use of standard libraries. The file name after switch ''-o'' specifies the name of the final executable file (output). File names of one or more source files follow. The **simple-lw-sw** project with appropriate Makefile can be found in ''/opt/apo/qtrvsim/qtrvsim_template'' directory. ==== File buble_sort.S ==== Use ''buble_sort.S'' template for internal QtRVSim assembler compiler: // Directives to make interresting windows visible #pragma qtrvsim show registers #pragma qtrvsim show memory .globl _start .globl array_size .globl array_start .option norelax .text _start: la a0, array_start la a1, array_size lw a1, 0(a1) // number of elements in the array //Insert your code there //Final infinite loop end_loop: ebreak // stop the simulator j end_loop nop .data // .align 2 // not supported by QtRVSim yet array_size: .word 15 array_start: .word 5, 3, 4, 1, 15, 8, 9, 2, 10, 6, 11, 1, 6, 9, 12 // Specify location to show in memory window #pragma qtrvsim focus memory array_start For C code todo assembly language manual translation try file ''start.S'': int pole[10]; int main() { int N = 10,i; for(i=0; i together with file start.S which executes function main from ''init_array.c'': .globl _start .text .option norelax _start: la x2, _end+0x4000 la x3, __global_pointer$ jal main ebreak Překlad do assembleru pro MIPS a zobrazení přeložených instrukcí provedeme následujícími příkazy. riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -g -c init_array.c -o init_array.o riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -g -c start.S -o start.o riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Wl,-Ttext,0x200 -Wl,-Tdata,0x400 -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -nostdlib init_array.o start.o -o init_array riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump --source init_array On Windows, complete [[http://mingw.org/|MSys]] with ''make'' utility can be installed or plain compiler [[..:..:..:documentation:mips-elf-gnu:start|mips-elf-gcc-i686-mingw32]] can be called from following batch file. PATH=%PATH%;c:\path\to\riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc\bin riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Wl,-Ttext,0x200 -Wl,-Tdata,0x400 -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -nostdlib -g init_array.c -o init_array [[..:..:..:documentation:qtrvsim:start|QtRVSim]] simulator is used to execute the program. Select the most simple variant of simulated processor "No pipeline no cache". Button "Browse" is used to select executable file name (''simple-lw-sw'' without suffix in our case) for field "Elf executable". {{..:..:..:tutorials:qtmips-newdialog-basic.png|}} The diagram with the processor is opened. Use double-click on program counter register (PC) opens program listing with actual instructions. Double click on registers blocks opens a view with the list of architectural registers. Double click on data memory shows memory content. The windows layout shown on the next picture is the appropriate and intuitive starting point {{..:..:..:tutorials:qtmips-basic-layout.png}} Select "Follow fetch" option in the "Program" listing window which highlights instruction/line actually fetched by the processor for execution. The start of listing in "Memory" windows should be set to the address 0x2000 on which data value 0x12345678 was placed. The program can be stepped through by "Machine" -> "Step" menu entry or by the corresponding button on the toolbar. The value is loaded to the register first, and then it is stored to the following memory cell. Change the program to process a load-store sequence in the loop. Instruction ''ebreak'' has to be removed from the loop because its purpose is to stop program execution when reached. Test that edited value at address 0x2000 is always copied to the address 0x2004. Modify the program to add two input values on 0x2000 and 0x2004 address and stored the result at address 0x2008. Next step is to modify the program to add two vectors with a length of four words. Use assembler macroinstruction ''la vect_a'' (load address) to set registers to point to the start of the vectors. ... .data vect_a: .word 0x12345678 .word 0x12345678 .word 0x12345678 .word 0x12345678 vect_b: .word 0x12345678 ... Continue with implementation of the program to compute an average value from eight numbers. ==== Automate program compilation by use of Makefile ==== The compiler invocation is desirable to document at least and better automate. The one way is to use a script with the sequence of commands required for compilation. Such script can be written directly for [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_(computing)|shell]] - command line interpreter ([[https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/|BASH]] or [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almquist_shell|DASH]] on GNU/Linux usually). But it is not practical to translate all compilation units of a larger project when only small change modifies only one or a small subset of source files. More different systems have been developed to automate exactly these tasks. Some examples are [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_%28software%29|Make]], [[https://ant.apache.org/|Ant]], [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qmake|qmake]], [[https://cmake.org/|Cmake]], [[http://mesonbuild.com/|meson]], etc. ===Makefile=== [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_%28software%29|Make]] is the tool which allows to automate compilation of source codes, description of the compilation process is described in //Makefile//. //Makefile// template for the compilation of source files written in assembly language or C language for RISC-V simulator environment: ARCH=riscv64-unknown-elf SOURCES = change_me.S TARGET_EXE = change_me CC=$(ARCH)-gcc CXX=$(ARCH)-g++ AS=$(ARCH)-as LD=$(ARCH)-ld OBJCOPY=$(ARCH)-objcopy ARCHFLAGS += -mabi=ilp32 ARCHFLAGS += -march=rv32i ARCHFLAGS += -fno-lto CFLAGS += -ggdb -Os -Wall CXXFLAGS+= -ggdb -Os -Wall AFLAGS += -ggdb LDFLAGS += -ggdb LDFLAGS += -nostartfiles LDFLAGS += -nostdlib LDFLAGS += -static #LDFLAGS += -specs=/opt/musl/riscv64-linux-gnu/lib/musl-gcc.specs CFLAGS += $(ARCHFLAGS) CXXFLAGS+= $(ARCHFLAGS) AFLAGS += $(ARCHFLAGS) LDFLAGS += $(ARCHFLAGS) OBJECTS += $(filter %.o,$(SOURCES:%.S=%.o)) OBJECTS += $(filter %.o,$(SOURCES:%.c=%.o)) OBJECTS += $(filter %.o,$(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)) all : default .PHONY : default clean dep all %.o:%.S $(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ $(AFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.o:%.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.o:%.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< %.s:%.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -S $< -o $@ default : $(TARGET_EXE) $(TARGET_EXE) : $(OBJECTS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ dep: depend depend: $(SOURCES) $(glob *.h) echo '# autogenerated dependencies' > depend ifneq ($(filter %.S,$(SOURCES)),) $(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ $(AFLAGS) -w -E -M $(filter %.S,$(SOURCES)) \ >> depend endif ifneq ($(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)),) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -w -E -M $(filter %.c,$(SOURCES)) \ >> depend endif ifneq ($(filter %.cpp,$(SOURCES)),) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -w -E -M $(filter %.cpp,$(SOURCES)) \ >> depend endif clean: rm -f *.o *.a $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET_EXE) depend #riscv64-unknown-elf --source qtrvsim_binrep -include depend **tab** character has to be used to indent of commands in the Makefile. Makefile does not recognize indent by spaces. //Makefile// consists from definitions (assignment of values to variables) and rules. The rules start by a line which defines dependency of rule target(s) on the dependencies listed after the colon. The dependencies are names of files or abstracts commands which as to be (make) available before the commands following the first rule line can create required results. File names can be complete names or their base part can be substituted by character "%" which allows specifying rule for a whole class of transformations from one compilation stage to another. Even more complete template for the compilation of assembler and C source files to RISC-V target platform with an automatic building of dependencies on header files can be found in directory ''/opt/apo/qtrvsim_template'' on the computers in the laboratory. ===Compilation=== A compilation is invoked by a command //make// (the //make// has to be invoked in the directory where Makefile and program source code are located). //Make// generates multiple output files. The file without an extension is used for execution in QtRVSIm environment. The process of compilation translated the compilation unit (one source wile together with includes header files for a simple case) into object files (''.o'') in relocatable form. Object files are then collected by the linker which resolves address references between compilation units and locates code to the final addresses. It is necessary to equip the actual sequences of machine instructions by the envelope which specifies where to fill references during ''.o'' files linking during the final placement on the specified addresses. Even instruction and data in the final executable form usually require some information for operating systems where they should be loaded/mapped in the memory or process address-space. The [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format|ELF]] (Executable and Linkable Format) is used to store these metadata in our case and generally on most of the modern systems. === Determine variable addresses and correspondence of source code and final ELF executable === Next command can be used to find addresses of the final location of variables and data entries after linking riscv64-unknown-elf-nm program The list of sections and their locations can be listed by riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump --headers program List final machine code after translation with corresponding source lines riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump --source program ===== Tasks ===== - learn how to use compiler and simulator - change program to run memory read and write in a loop (try to modify program directly in the simulator, change break to ''nop'') - computation with vector - return to the source and define vectors ''vec_a'', ''vec_b'', ''vec_c'' - four word elements each and use lw, sw and add instructions to compute ''vec_c[0] = vec_a[0] + vec_b[0]'' - extend program to compute sum for each ''vec_c'' element in introduced the inner loop - implementation of program to compute n-th member of Fibonacci series - start of the work on bubble-sort algorithm ===== Usefull links ===== * [[..:..:..:documentation:mips-elf-gnu:start|GNU MIPS-ELF corss-compiler]] - compiler of C language and assemblr, packages for Debian GNU/Linux x86_64, i586 and Windows, configuration and build of compiler form its source code * {{..:..:..:tutorials:gcc-binutils-newlib-mips-elf_4.4.4-1_mingw32.zip|}} - MIPS-ELF GCC 4.4.4 compiled for MinGW32 (Windows) - it requires to use switches -lm -lgcc -lc for larger programs, for simple programs in assembler without libraries, next options are required -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -nostartfiles * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS_architecture|MIPS processor description]] - including instruction set * [[http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/MARS/|MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator)]] * Missouri State University - Nice simulator in Java language * It requires assembly without macro-definitions (preprocessed). ''gcc -E assembler.S -o preprocessed-pro-mips.s'' can be used for preprocessing. * [[http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Emulators|List of MIPS emulators on Linux-MIPS.org]] ==== Part 2 - Transcribe a program from C to Assembler ==== In many practical applications we have to use median filter. This median filter removes noise (obvious outliers/dead pixels) from a signal or an image. The median filter takes a neighborhood of a sample (10 samples before and 10 after), finds median value and replaces the sample value with this median. Very similar to this filter is mean filter that replaces the sample value with average value of the nearby samples. The median value is usually calculated by sorting the samples by value and picking the sample in the middle. The sorting algorithm is a cornerstone to median filter implementation. Lets assume we have 21 integers stored in array in memory. The array begins in some given address (e.g. 0x00). On integer occupies one word in the memory. The task is to sort the integers in ascending order. To do this we will implement the bubble sort algorithm. In this algorithm two adjacent values are compared and if they are in wrong order, they are swapped. And this comparisons goes repetitively through array until no swaps are done. The code for bubble sort is bellow: int pole[5]={5,3,4,1,2}; int main() { int N = 5,i,j,tmp; for(i=0; i \\ The example of sorting 5 numbers is bellow: \\ 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 --> initial state \\ 3, 4, 1, 2, **5** --> after the first outer cycle finished \\ 3, 1, 2, **4**, **5** --> after the second outer cycle finished \\ 1, 2, **3**, **4**, **5** ... \\ 1, **2**, **3**, **4**, **5** \\ **1**, **2**, **3**, **4**, **5** --> after the last outer cycle finished - sorted \\ \\ Transcribe C code above to RISC-V assembler. Verify correctness of your implementation in RISC-V simulator. We will be using this program in the next class. So finish the program at home, if you have not finished it during the class. \\ Here is a template, you can use: .globl array .data .align 2 array: .word 5 3 4 1 2 .text .globl start .ent start start: // TODO: Write your code here nop .end start \\ ==== How to transcribe short fragments of C code into assembler ==== ^ **//if//** Command ^^ | if (i ==j) f = g + h; f = f – i; | // s0=f, s1=g, s2=h, s3=i, s4=j bne s3, s4, L1 // If i!=j, go to label L1 add s0, s1, s2 // if block: f=g+h L1: sub s0, s0, s3 // f = f-i | ^ **//if-else//** Command^^ | if (i ==j) f = g + h; else f = f – i; | // s0=f, s1=g, s2=h, s3=i, s4=j bne s3, s4, else // If i!=j, go to **else** label add s0, s1, s2 // if block: f=g+h j L2 // jump behind the **else** block else: sub s0, s0, s3 // else block: f = f-i L2: | ^ **//while//** Cycle ^^ | int pow = 1; int x = 0; while(pow != 128) { pow = pow*2; x = x + 1; } | // s0=pow, s1=x addi s0, 0, 1 // pow = 1 addi s1, 0, 0 // x = 0 addi t0, 0, 128 // t0 = 128 to compare (always have to compare two registers) while: beq s0, t0, done // If pow==128, end the cycle. Go to done label. slli s0, s0, 1 // pow = pow*2 addi s1, s1, 1 // x = x+1 j while done: | ^ **//for//** Cycle ^^ | int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i!=10; i++) { sum = sum + i; } | //Is equivalent to following while cycle: int sum = 0; int i = 0; while(i!=10){ sum = sum + i; i++; } | // nut even there is do-while cycle faster // because inial sum and i are given by constants. // and execution of the fisrt cycle is guaranteed. // If they are not fixed for the first iteration // then aditional if can be used int sum = 0; int i = 0; do { sum = sum + i; i++; } while(i!=10) | ^ Read values from the data memory. ^^ | // Just as an example... int a, *pa=0x80020040; int b, *pb=0x80020044; int c, *pc=0x00000124; a = *pa; b = *pb; c = *pc; | // s0=pa (Base address), s1=a, s2=b, s3=c lui s0, 0x80020 // pa = 0x80020000; lw s1, 0x40(s0) // a = *pa; lw s2, 0x44(s0) // b = *pb; addi s0, 0, 0x124 // pc = 0x00000124; lw s3, 0x0(s0) // c = *pc; | ^ Increment values in an array ^^ | int array[4] = { 7, 2, 3, 5 }; int main() { int i,tmp; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { tmp = array[i]; tmp += 1; pole[i] = tmp; } return 0; } | Complete code for QtRVSim simulator: .globl array // label "array" is declared as global. It is visible from all files in the project. .data // directive indicating start of the data segment .align 2 // set data alignment to 4 bytes array: // label - name of the memory block .word 7, 2, 3, 5 // values in the array to increment... .text // beginning of the text segment (or code segment) .globl start start: la s0, array // store address of the "array" to the register s0 addi s1, zero, 0 // initialization instruction of for cycle: i=0, kde i=s1 addi s2, zero, 4 // set the upper bound for cycle for: beq s1, s2, done // if s1 == s2, go to label done and break the cycle lw s3, 0x0(s0) // load value from the array to s3 add s3, s3, 0x1 // increment the s3 register sw s3, 0x0(s0) // replace (store) value from s3 register addi s0, s0, 0x4 // increment offset and move to the other value in the array addi s1, s1, 0x1 // increment number of passes through the cycle (i++). j for // jump to **for** label done: nop .end start | \\ ==== Peripherals mapped into memory address space ==== [[https://github.com/cvut/qtrvsim/|QtRVSim]] simulator includes a few simple peripherals which are mapped into memory address space. The first is simple serial port ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_asynchronous_receiver-transmitter|UART]]) connected to terminal window. The registers locations and bit fields is the same as for simulators [[http://spimsimulator.sourceforge.net/|SPIM]] and [[http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/MARS/|MARS]]. These maps serial port from address 0xffff0000. QtRVSim maps the UART peripheral to this address as well but offers alternative mapping to address 0xffffc000 which can be encoded as absolute address into LW and SW instructions with zero base register. ^ Address ^ Register name ^ Bit ^ Description ^ | 0xffffc000 | SERP_RX_ST_REG | | Serial port receiver status register | | | | 0 | Flag set to one when there is new received character in SERP_RX_DATA_REG register | | | | 1 | When set to one enables interrupt from reception [[https://github.com/cvut/qtrvsim/blob/master/README.md#interrupts-and-coprocessor-0-support|detailed]] | | 0xffffc004 | SERP_RX_DATA_REG | 7 .. 0 | ASCII code of received character | | 0xffffc000 | SERP_TX_ST_REG | | Status register of transmitter writing to terminal | | | | 0 | When one is read, transmitter is ready to accept character | | | | 1 | When set to one enables transmitter interrupt [[https://github.com/cvut/qtrvsim/blob/master/README.md#interrupts-and-coprocessor-0-support|detailed]] | | 0xffffc004 | SERP_TX_DATA_REG | 7 .. 0 | ASCII code of character to transmit | The next peripherals emulates interaction with simple control elements of a real device. The registers map matches to the subset of registers of dial knobs and LËD indicators peripheral which is available for input and output on a development kits [[..:..:..:documentation:mz_apo:start|MicroZed APO]] which are used for your semester work. ^ Address ^ register name ^ Bit ^ Description ^ | 0xffffc104 | SPILED_REG_LED_LINE | 31 .. 0 | The word shown in binary, decimal and hexadecimal | | 0xffffc110 | SPILED_REG_LED_RGB1 | 23 .. 0 | PWM duty cycle specification for RGB LED 1 components | | | | 23 .. 16 | Red component R | | | | 15 .. 8 | Green component G | | | | 7 .. 0 | Blue component B | | 0xffffc114 | SPILED_REG_LED_RGB2 | 23 .. 0 | PWM duty cycle specification for RGB LED 2 components | | | | 23 .. 16 | Red component R | | | | 15 .. 8 | Green component G | | | | 7 .. 0 | Blue component B | | 0xffffc124 | SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT | 31 .. 0 | Filtered values of dial knobs as 8 numbers | | | | 7 .. 0 | Blue dial value B | | | | 15 .. 8 | Green dial value G | | | | 23 .. 16 | Red dial value R | ==== Analysis of Compiled Code ==== A simple program reads position of the simulator knobs dials and converts the read values to the RGB led color and text/terminal output. Program is available from directory ''/opt/apo/qtrvsim_binrep'' on the laboratory computers. There is available archive to download as well {{..:..:..:tutorials:qtrvsim_binrep.tar.gz|qtrvsim_binrep.tar.gz}}. The C source code has been compiled by the following commands sequence riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -D__ASSEMBLY__ -ggdb -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32i -fno-lto -c crt0local.S -o crt0local.o riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -ggdb -Os -Wall -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32i -fno-lto -c qtrvsim_binrep.c -o qtrvsim_binrep.o riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -ggdb -nostartfiles -nostdlib -static -mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32i -fno-lto crt0local.o qtrvsim_binrep.o -lgcc -o qtrvsim_binrep Alternative compilation for RISC-V when [[https://github.com/picolibc/picolibc|picolibc]] library is used. riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 --specs=/opt/picolibc/lib/riscv64-unknown-elf/specs/picolibc.specs /opt/apo/binrep/qtrvsim_binrep/qtrvsim_binrep.c -o qtrvsim_binrep The content of the program compiled into ELF executable format is examined by objdump command riscv64-unknown-elf --source qtrvsim_binrep The same task for the MIPS architecture. mips-elf-gcc -D__ASSEMBLY__ -ggdb -fno-lto -c crt0local.S -o crt0local.o mips-elf-gcc -ggdb -Os -Wall -fno-lto -c qtmips_binrep.c -o qtmips_binrep.o mips-elf-gcc -ggdb -nostartfiles -static -fno-lto crt0local.o qtmips_binrep.o -o qtmips_binrep There is output with detailed commentaries included. qtmips_binrep: file format elf32-bigmips Disassembly of section .text: 00400018
: /* * The main entry into example program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 400018: 27bdffe8 addiu $29,$29,-24 allocate space on the stack for main() function stack frame 40001c: afbf0014 sw $31,20($29) save previous value of the return address register to the stack. while (1) { uint32_t rgb_knobs_value; unsigned int uint_val; rgb_knobs_value = *(volatile uint32_t*)(mem_base + SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT_o); 400020: 8c04c124 lw $4,-16092($0) Read value from the address corresponding to the sum of "SPILED_REG_BASE" and "SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT_o" peripheral register offset LW is instruction to load the word. Address is formed from the sum of register $0 (fixed zero) and -16092, which is represented in hexadecimal as 0xffffc124 i.e., sum of 0xffffc100 and 0x24. The read value is stored in register $4. 400024: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 one NOP instruction to ensure that load finishes before the further value use. 400028: 00041027 nor $2,$0,$4 Compute bit complement "~" of the value in the register $4 and store it into register $2 *(volatile uint32_t*)(mem_base + SPILED_REG_LED_LINE_o) = rgb_knobs_value; 40002c: ac04c104 sw $4,-16124($0) Store RGB knobs values from register $4to the "LED" line register which is shown in binary decimal and hexadecimal on the QtMips target. Address 0xffffc104 *(volatile uint32_t*)(mem_base + SPILED_REG_LED_RGB1_o) = rgb_knobs_value; 400030: ac04c110 sw $4,-16112($0) Store RGB knobs values to the corresponding components controlling a color/brightness of the RGB LED 1 Address 0xffffc110 *(volatile uint32_t*)(mem_base + SPILED_REG_LED_RGB2_o) = ~rgb_knobs_value; 400034: ac02c114 sw $2,-16108($0) Store complement of RGB knobs values to the corresponding components controlling a color/brightness of the RGB LED 2 Address 0xffffc114 /* Assign value read from knobs to the basic signed and unsigned types */ uint_val = rgb_knobs_value; the read value resides in the register 4, which correspond to the first argument register a0 /* Print values */ serp_send_hex(uint_val); 400038: 0c100028 jal 4000a0 40003c: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 call the function to send hexadecimal value to the serial port, one instruction after JAL is executed in its delay-slot, PC pointing after this instruction (0x400040) is stored to the register 31, return address register serp_tx_byte('\n'); 400040: 0c100020 jal 400080 400044: 2404000a addiu $4,$0,10 call routine to send new line character to the serial port. The ASCII value corresponding to '\n' is set to argument a0 register in delay slot of JAL. JAL is decoded and in parallel instruction addiu $4,$0,10 is executed then PC pointing to the address 0x400048 after delay slot is stored to return address register and next instruction is fetch from the JAL instruction target address, start of the function serp_tx_byte 400048: 1000fff5 beqz $0,400020 40004c: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 branch back to the start of the loop reading value from the knobs 00400050 <_start>: la $gp, _gp 400050: 3c1c0041 lui $28,0x41 400054: 279c90e0 addiu $28,$28,-28448 Load global data base pointer to the global data base register 28 - gp. Symbol _gp is provided by linker. addi $a0, $zero, 0 400058: 20040000 addi $4,$0,0 Set regist a0 (the first main function argument) to zero, argc is equal to zero. addi $a1, $zero, 0 40005c: 20050000 addi $5,$0,0 Set regist a1 (the second main function argument) to zero, argv is equal to NULL. jal main 400060: 0c100006 jal 400018
nop 400064: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 Call the main function. Return address is stored in the ra ($31) register. 00400068 : quit: addi $a0, $zero, 0 400068: 20040000 addi $4,$0,0 If the main functio returns, set exit value to 0 addi $v0, $zero, 4001 /* SYS_exit */ 40006c: 20020fa1 addi $2,$0,4001 Set system call number to code representing exit() syscall 400070: 0000000c syscall Call the system. 00400074 : loop: break 400074: 0000000d break If there is not a system try to stop the execution by invoking debugging exception beq $zero, $zero, loop 400078: 1000fffe beqz $0,400074 nop 40007c: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 If even this does not stop execution, command CPU to spin in busy loop. void serp_tx_byte(int data) { 00400080 : while (!(serp_read_reg(SERIAL_PORT_BASE, SERP_TX_ST_REG_o) & SERP_TX_ST_REG_READY_m)); 400080: 8c02c008 lw $2,-16376($0) 400084: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 Read serial port transmit status register, address 0xffffc008 while (!(serp_read_reg(SERIAL_PORT_BASE, SERP_TX_ST_REG_o) & 400088: 30420001 andi $2,$2,0x1 40008c: 1040fffc beqz $2,400080 400090: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 Wait again till UART is ready to accept character - bit 0 is not zero. NOP in the delayslot. *(volatile uint32_t *)(base + reg) = val; 400094: ac04c00c sw $4,-16372($0) write value from register 4 (the first argument a0) to the address 0xffffc00c (SERP_TX_DATA_REG_o) serial port tx data register. } 400098: 03e00008 jr $31 40009c: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 jump/return back to continue in callee program address of the next fetch instruction is read from the return address register 32 ra void serp_send_hex(unsigned int val) { 004000a0 : 4000a0: 27bdffe8 addiu $29,$29,-24 allocate space on the stack for the routine stack frame 4000a4: 00802825 or $5,$4,$0 copy value of the fisrt argument regsiter 4 (a0) to the register 5 for (i = 8; i > 0; i--) { 4000a8: 24030008 addiu $3,$0,8 set the value of the register 3 to the 8 4000ac: afbf0014 sw $31,20($29) save previous value of the return address register to the stack. char c = (val >> 28) & 0xf; 4000b0: 00051702 srl $2,$5,0x1c shift value in register 5 right by 28 bits and store result in the register 2 4000b4: 304600ff andi $6,$2,0xff abundant operation to limit value range to the character type variable and store result in the register 6 if (c < 10 ) 4000b8: 2c42000a sltiu $2,$2,10 set register 2 to one if the value is smaller than 10 c += 'A' - 10; 4000bc: 10400002 beqz $2,4000c8 4000c0: 24c40037 addiu $4,$6,55 if value is larger or equal (register 2 is 0/false) then add value 55 ('A' - 10)..(0x41 - 0xa) = 0x37 = 55 to the register 6 and store result in the register 4. This operation is executed even when the branch arm before else is executed, but result is immediately overwritten by next instruction c += '0'; 4000c4: 24c40030 addiu $4,$6,48 add value 0x30 = 48 = '0' to the value in the register 6 and store result in the register 4 - the fisrt argument a0 serp_tx_byte(c); 4000c8: 0c100020 jal 400080 4000cc: 2463ffff addiu $3,$3,-1 call subroutine to send byte to the serial port decrement loop control variable (i) in delay-slot for (i = 8; i > 0; i--) { 4000d0: 1460fff7 bnez $3,4000b0 4000d4: 00052900 sll $5,$5,0x4 the final condition of for loop converted to do {} while() loop. If not all 8 character send loop again. Shift left value in the register 5 by 4 bit positions. The compiler does not store values of local variables to the stack even does not store values in caller save registers (which requires to save previous values to the function stack frame). Compiler can use this optimization because it knows registers usage of called function serp_tx_byte(). } 4000d8: 8fbf0014 lw $31,20($29) 4000dc: 00000000 sll $0,$0,0x0 restore return address register value to that found at function start 4000e0: 03e00008 jr $31 4000e4: 27bd0018 addiu $29,$29,24 return to the caller function. Instruction in jump register delay-slot is used to restore stack pointer/free function frame. ===== Links and References ===== * [[..:..:..:documentation:mips-elf-gnu:start|GNU Cross Compiler for MIPS-ELF architecture]] - GNU Compatible Compiler for MIPS architecture for Debian Linux OS (x86_64/i586). * {{..:..:..:tutorials:gcc-binutils-newlib-mips-elf_4.4.4-1_mingw32.zip|}} - GNU Compatible compiler for MIPS architecture for MS Windows with MinGW32. To compile programs for MipsIT simulator you will need to specify following parameters: ''-nostdlib -nodefaultlibs -nostartfiles -Wl,-Ttext,0x80020000''. For more complex programs you will probably have to specify ''-lm -lgcc -lc'' parameters. * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS_architecture|MIPS Architecture at Wikipedia]] - description of MIPS processor and complete instruction set. * [[http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/MARS/|MARS (MIPS Assembler and Runtime Simulator)]] * Missouri State University - Alternative MIPS simulator in JAVA * The source code in this simulator has to be without macro definitions. If you have source code from MipsIT simulator, you have to preprocess it. To do this, you can use e.g. GCC compiler in following way: ''gcc -E assembler.S -o preprocessed_assembler.s'' * [[http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Emulators|Other MIPS emulators/simulators on Linux-MIPS.org]]