====== Programme 2020/2021 ====== **The last labs** (4th of January 2022 at 18:00) will be __only__ **ONLINE**. The labs will be streamed via MS Teams on the same channel as lectures: [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aSioRQNqcRUSoQNByZQwdF6GOijlZhZZiirWsdlva0qY1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=1690931d-c03f-4669-b16a-4238aa8b64ca&tenantId=f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8|channel link]] **The labs take place in the room KN:E-132 and start at 18:00 on every Tuesday.** MS Teams [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aSioRQNqcRUSoQNByZQwdF6GOijlZhZZiirWsdlva0qY1%40thread.tacv2/1641204705009?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f345c406-5268-43b0-b19f-5862fa6833f8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225b6624ff-9bf0-45ac-89a5-41a758412613%22%7d|labs link]] (4th of January at 18:00) Teachers: * Radoslav Škoviera (radoslav.skoviera (at) cvut.cz) * Jiří Sedlář (jiri.sedlar (at) cvut.cz) * Maxime Pietrantoni (maxime.pietrantoni (at) cvut.cz) * Vojtěch Pánek (vojtech.panek (at) cvut.cz) The test server (where you submit your homeworks) uses Matlab version 2017a. Make sure the submitted code is compatible with this version. ^ Week ^ Date ^ Topic ^ Deadline ^ Evaluation ^ Teacher ^ | 01 | **21**.09.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:0_matlab|Introduction to Matlab]] | | 02 | **05**.10.2021 | [[[[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:1_intensity_transforms|Histogram, image histogram equalization, histogram matching]] | 18.10.2021 | 3 pts. | VP | | 03 | 12.10.2021 | cont. | | 04 | **19**.10.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:2_dynamic_programming|Dynamic Programming (DP), its use for path finding in images]] | 01.11.2021 | 4 pts. | RŠ | | 05 | 26.10.2021 | cont. | | 06 | **02**.11.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:3_hdr|High Dynamic Range (HDR)]] | 15.11.2021 | 4 pts. | JS | | 07 | 09.11.2021 | cont. | | 08 | **16**.11.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:4_segmentation|Segmentation]] | 29.11.2021 | 5 pts. | JS | | 09 | 23.11.2021 | cont. | | 10 | **30**.11.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:5_registration|Registration]] | 13.12.2021 | 4 pts. | MP, RŠ | | 11 | 07.12.2021 | cont. | | 12 | **14**.12.2021 | [[courses:b4m33dzo:labs:6_restoration|Restoration]] | 10.01.2022 | 4 pts. | MP, VP | | 13 | 04.01.2022 | cont. | ====== Evaluation of assignments ====== There will be 6 tasks assigned during the semester. It is possible to earn 2-5 points for each task, according to its difficulty (see the table above). It is possible to earn 24 points maximally. Your need to update your solutions to our [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/|system]]. The evaluation is done automatically. You can see the earned points in few seconds or tens of seconds. You can upload your solution multiple times. The points earned for the last uploaded version are relevant. ====== Assessments ====== Assessment can be given if a student in question: * has submitted all the assignments, * has gained at least 50 % of the max number of points, i.e. at least 12 points. There is no limit on allowed absences. However, we strongly recommend you to attend the labs. We will also consider the attandance in case of any problems with getting the assessment. Points from the assignments form 40 % of the final grade. ====== Late assignment submissions ====== You have at least two weeks to solve each tast (see the table above). Late submissions are penalized according to the following table: ^ Late by ^ Penalty ^ | 0--24 hours | 10 % | | 1--3 days | 20 % | | 4--5 days | 30 % | | 6--7 days | 40 % | | more than 8 days | 50 % | ====== Anti-Plagiarism Policy ====== Plagiarism results in not getting the assessment, and therefore in failing the course.