Table of Contents

Run ROS locally

On Your Computer


  1. If you have Ubuntu 18.04 (recommended) install Singularity sudo apt-get install singularity-container.
    But if you have Ubuntu 20.04 installed the package is missing in repository and you have to install Singularity manually.
    Follow the Quick Start Guide
    and use version 3.5.3
  2. Download Singularity image provided for labs
  3. run singularity image with Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic:
    singularity shell --nv path/to/robolab_melodic.simg
    (--nv is needed for graphical output with NVIDIA graphic card, e.g. RViz)
  4. Then source common ARO catkin workspace:
    source /opt/ros/aro/setup.bash
    or, your own workspace (if you have any):
    source ~/workspace/aro/devel/setup.bash
Image updated on 9.4.2021 please download updated version