OLD_HW 02 - Processing input data and computing statistics

Write a program that:

Welcome! The input parameter is "/dev/ttyACM0"
== program menu ==
Item 1: Control LED
Item 2: Read button state
Item 3: Read joystick
Item 4: Control display
Item c: Enter a custom command
Item e: Exit

Welcome! The input paramenter is "/dev/ttyACM0"
== program menu ==
Item 1: Control LED
Item 2: Read button state
Item 3: Read joystick
Item 4: Control display
Item c: Enter a custom command
Item e: Exit
User input (keyboard) 'c' - '' denotes character
Enter commnad: 
User input (keyboard) “*IDN?” - “” denotes string array
The command  is "*IDN?"

== program menu ==
Item 1: Control LED
Item 2: Read button state
Item 3: Read joystick
Item 4: Control display
Item c: Enter a custom command
Item e: Exit

These parameters of the program will be evaluated: