Table of Contents

RPZ Schedule Discussion forum


This course introduces statistical decision theory and surveys canonical and advanced classifiers such as perceptrons, AdaBoost, support vector machines, and neural nets.

Basic info

Winter semester 2020/2021

Due to the covid-19 situation, the lectures will be given online, via zoom. All students enrolled in KOS will be sent a link at 12:30.

Where and when: KN:G-205 at Building G, Karlovo namesti, Monday 12:45-14:15

Teaching: Jiří Matas (JM), Ondřej Drbohlav (OD)

Lecture plan 2020/2021

Week Date Lect. Slides Topic Wiki Additional material
1 21.9. JM pdf recording Introduction. Basic notions. The Bayesian recognition problem Machine_learning Naive_Bayes_classifier some simple problems
2 28.9. (holiday, no lecture)
3 5.10. JM pdf recording Non-Bayesian tasks Minimax
4 12.10. JM pdf recording Parameter estimation of probabilistic models. Maximum likelihood method Maximum_likelihood
5 19.10. JM pdf recording Nearest neighbour method. Non-parametric density estimation. K-nearest_neighbor_algorithm
6 26.10. JM pdf recording Logistic regression Logistic_regression
7 2.11. JM pdf recording Classifier training. Linear classifier. Perceptron. Linear_classifier Perceptron
8 9.11. JM pdf recording SVM classifier Support_vector_machine
9 16.11. JM pdf recording Adaboost learning Adaboost
10 23.11. JM pdf recording Neural networks. Backpropagation Artificial_neural_network
11 30.11. JM pdfrecording Cluster analysis, k-means method K-means_clustering K-means++
12 7.12. JM pdfrecording EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm. Expectation_maximization_algorithm Hoffmann,Bishop, Flach
13 14.12. JM pdf recording Feature selection and extraction. PCA, LDA. Principal_component_analysis Linear_discriminant_analysis Optimalizace (CZ): PCA slides, script 7.2
14 4.1. JM pdf recording Decision trees. Decision_tree Decision_tree_learning Rudin@MIT
