Table of Contents

Course conditions

The final evaluation (A-E) is based on the sum of points obtained in the first tests, homework, final test and project.

Overview of evaluation in the MATLAB course

Method of awarding the point

Homework 1 Homework 2 First test Homework 3 Final test Project Sum
Max. points 5 5 15 5 20 50 100
Min. points 15 10 25 50

Method of evaluation

The final grade ECTS grade Points Number grade
Excellent A 90-100 1
Very good B 80-89 1,5
Good C 70-79 2
Satisfactory D 60-69 2,5
Sufficient E 50-59 3
Failed F 0-49 4

First test (max. 15 points)

The test takes place in the 6th week of the semester. It is designed as a solution to an academic-technical problem, or a mathematical problem (knowledge of mathematical analysis and algebra is not required). The test is usually divided into two groups. It examines the student's ability to understand assignments, make logical balance, and work independently. The correctness of execution, efficiency, and readability of the code is evaluated. MATLAB documentation and own notes are allowed. It is not allowed to use the knowledge of other students, nor resources from the Internet and social networks. The evaluation of the test is included in the overall evaluation of the student.

  • You will have almost unlimited time to think about the assignment and 15 minutes to write.
  • For this reason, the test is written until the end of the lecture.
  • A strict deadline is set in the submission system.
  1. Save the solution file as FEL_username.m (
  2. After the specified time has elapsed, the code must be uploaded to the submission system.



Final test (max. 20 points)

The final test is in a multiple-choice test. It is written without the possibility of using the MATLAB programming environment. It examines the student's ability to think through the logic of MATLAB, estimating the results of individual commands and the student's knowledge of elementary syntaxes - such as filling in the function header.

  • You will have 15 minutes to write the test.
  • Test questions can have more than one correct answer.

Project (max. 50 points)

The final project shows the student's ability to apply newly acquired knowledge/experience to solve specified problems. It is not necessary to do complicated numerics but to prove knowledge of syntax, principles, and rules of programming in MATLAB.

  1. The project must be uploaded within the set deadline to submission system.
  2. In the next lecture, you will have 3 minutes to present the project (a presentation for about 3 slides is possible) and show the interest of the solution.
  3. Teachers will evaluate the project according to the set criteria.

What if...

I can't write the first test in my class

I can't write a final test in the last week of the semester

I will not have time to redo/complete the project by the end of the last week of the semester