Table of Contents

Cvičení 9 - Semestrální práce - GEMBLO

Semestrální práce spočívá ve vytvoření funkčního hráče (programu) pro Gemblo . Gemblo je desková hra pro 2-6 hráčů, která se hraje na hexagonálním gridu s kameny, které jsou podobné tetrisovým kostičkám. Začíná se z prázdné hrací desky, hráči postupně umisťují svoje kameny. Vyhrává hráč, který svojí barvou obsadí nejvíce buněk. Obtížnost hry spočívá v pravidlech pro umisťování kamenů: kameny stejné barvy musí mít mezi sebou minimální vzdálenost právě jedné hrany, kameny různých barev se mohou dotýkat.

Historie a balíček

Balíček obsahuje základní třídy a programy pro vyzkoušení Gemblo na vašem počítači:

V případě, že nastanou změny v zadání nebo bude např. upraveno/rozšířeno herní rozhraní, budou změny uvedeny v této sekci.




Jak odevzdat hráče



Hrací deska


import copy
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
This is the base class for Gemblo game. 
Note that this is different from for HW08. Use only this file for Gemblo.
Brute ALWAYS replaces by it's own version to ensure that both players use the same
For python experts: If you need to extend the Board class, make your own class (in
class Board2(base.Board):
    def __init__(self, plater, size, stones):
        base.Board.__init__(self, player, size, stones)
    def yourfunctions():
and update the Player class like this:
class Player(Board2):
    def __init__(self, player, size, stones):
        Board2.__init__(self, player, size ,stones)
        self.usedStone = [False]*len(self.stones) #all stones are free to use now 
def loadStones(filename):
    f = open(filename,"r")
    stones = []
    for line in f:
        coords = list(map(int, line.rstrip().split()))
        if len(coords) > 0:
            stones.append( [] )
            for i in range(len(coords)//2):
                x = coords[2*i]
                y = coords[2*i+1]
                stones[-1].append([ x,y ] )
    return stones;
def updatePlayers(board, stones, value):
    """ fill the board by the stones with given value
        board: object of base.Board
        stones: [ [p1,q1], .... [pn,qn] ] - list of absolut coordinates of cells in the board
        value: color/value to be written to the board
        for i in range(len(stones)):
            p,q = stones[i]
            board.board[p][q] = value #we write directly without checking if (p,q) is in the board
                                      #we assume that player/brute handle it
        print("Error when writing stones to the board. The player.move() returned invalid stones")
        return False
    return True
class Board:
    def __init__(self, player, size, stones):
        self.size = size
        self.board = {}
        self.stones = copy.deepcopy(stones)
        self.player = player #1 or -1
        self.algorithmName = "name of your method";
        self._playerName = "default"
        #create empty board as a dictionary
        self.b2 = {}
        for p in range(-self.size,self.size):
            for q in range(-self.size, self.size):
                if self.inBoard(p,q):
                    if not p in self.board:
                        self.board[p] = {}
                    self.board[p][q] = 0
                    if not q in self.b2:
                        self.b2[q] = {}
                    self.b2[q][p] = 0
        #this is for visualization and to synchronize colors between png/js
        self._colors = {}
        self._colors[-1] = "#fdca40" #sunglow
        self._colors[0] = "#ffffff" #white
        self._colors[1] = "#947bd3" #medium purple
        self._colors[2] = "#ff0000" #red
        self._colors[3] = "#00ff00" #green
        self._colors[4] = "#0000ff" #blue
        self._colors[5] = "#566246" #ebony
        self._colors[6] = "#a7c4c2" #opan
        self._colors[7] = "#ADACB5" #silver metalic
        self._colors[8] = "#8C705F" #liver chestnut
        self._colors[9] = "#FA7921" #pumpkin
        self._colors[10] = "#566E3D" #dark olive green
    def getStartCoordinates(self, player):
        if player == 1: 
            return 0,0
            return (self.size)//2, self.size-1
    def inBoard(self,p,q):
        """ return True if (p,q) is valid coordinate """
        return (q>= 0) and (q < self.size) and (p >= -(q//2)) and (p < (self.size - q//2))
    def rotateRight(self,p,q):
        pp = -q
        qq = p+q
        return pp,qq
    def rotateLeft(self, p,q):
        pp = p+q
        qq = -p
        return pp, qq
    def saveImage(self, filename):
        """ draw actual board to png. Empty cells are white, -1 = red, 1 = green, other values according to
            this list 
            -1 red, 0 = white, 1 = green 
        cellRadius = 25
        cellWidth = int(cellRadius*(3**0.5))
        cellHeight = 2*cellRadius
        width = cellWidth*self.size + cellRadius*3
        height = cellHeight*self.size
        img ='RGB',(width,height),"white")
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        lineColor = (50,50,50)
        for p in self.board:
            for q in self.board[p]:
                cx = cellRadius*(math.sqrt(3)*p + math.sqrt(3)/2*q) + cellRadius
                cy = cellRadius*(0*p + 3/2*q) + cellRadius
                pts = []
                for a in [30,90,150,210,270,330]:
                    nx = cx + cellRadius * math.cos(a*math.pi/180)
                    ny = cy + cellRadius * math.sin(a*math.pi/180)
                color = "#ff00ff" #pink is for values out of range -1,..10
                if self.board[p][q] in self._colors:
                    color = self._colors[self.board[p][q]]
                draw.line(pts,fill="black", width=1)
                draw.text([cx-3,cy-3], "{} {}".format(p,q), fill="black", anchor="m")
    def a2c(self,p,q):
        x = p
        z = q
        y = -x -z
        return x,y,z
    def c2a(self, x,y,z):
        p = x
        q = z
        return p,q
    def distance(self,p1,q1,p2,q2):
        """ return distance between two cells (p1,q1) and (p2,q2) """
        x1,y1,z1 = self.a2c(p1,q1)
        x2,y2,z2 = self.a2c(p2,q2)
        dist = (  abs(x1-x2) + abs(y1-y2) + abs(z1-z2) ) // 2
        return dist
    def getScore(self, whichPlayer):
        """ return number of cells for given player """
        count = 0
        for p in self.board:
            for q in self.board[p]:
                if self.board[p][q] == whichPlayer:
                    count += 1
        return count
    def move(self):
        """ this method will be called by Brute. Return one of these:
            None -> if you CANNOT place any stone
            [ [p1,q1], ... [pn,qn] ] list of absolut (p,q) coordinates where you want to place a stone.
            For example, if you want to place one-cell stone to position p=1, q=-2:
            return [ [1,-2 ] ]
            If you want to place '3-cell-I-stone' at (1,1), (2,1) and (3,1):
            return [ [1,1] , [2,1], [3,1] ]
            If your start position is not filled, you have to start there!!
            startp, startq = self.getStartCoordinates(self.player)
            if self.board[startp][startq] == 0 -> you have to place first stone there!!
        return None



import base
class Player(base.Board):
    def __init__(self, player, size, stones):
        base.Board.__init__(self, player, size, stones)
        self.usedStone = [False]*len(self.stones) #all stones are free to use now 
        self.algorithmName = "Gemblo master!"
    def move(self):
        """ return list of absolut values to board where you want to place a stone 
            or [] if no stone can be placed 
        startp, startq = self.getStartCoordinates(self.player)
        if self.board[startp][startq] == 0:
            #place some stone so the coordinates (startp, startq) is occupied
            return [ [startp, startq] ]
            #place some stone anywhere according to rules
            return []
if __name__ == "__main__":

Test hráče


import base
import player  #student's player
This program is a simplified version of the Gemblo game between two players.
The game is simplified by assumptions:
a) all players return valid stones that point to board 
b) no error occurs when calling .move
c) rules of the games are NOT checked here
The points a-c are however checked by Brute.
size = 11
stones = base.loadStones("stones.txt")
p1 = player.Player(1, size, stones)  #player no. 1
p2 = player.Player(-1, size, stones) #player no -1
iteration = 0
while True:
    move1 = p1.move()  #move1 should be a list of stones or [] if no stone can be placed
    base.updatePlayers(p2, move1, p1.player)  #write stones to board of both players
    base.updatePlayers(p1, move1, p1.player)  
    move2 = p2.move()
    base.updatePlayers(p1, move2, p2.player)  #write stones to board of both players
    base.updatePlayers(p2, move2, p2.player)  
    if len(move1) == 0 and len(move2) == 0:
        print("End of game, both players return [] ")

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