~~NOTOC~~ ===== Homework 04 - Motion Axis ===== === Task === - Consider the same motion as in HW-03. Draw figures in a similar way as in HW-03. Give numerical values for all vectors and matrices. - Find the axis of motion a_0 for (R,o_\beta'=[0;0;0]) and a_1 for (R,o_\beta'=[1;1;1]). - Draw coordinate systems and motion axes. - Find and draw rotation axes r. What is the relationship beween r, a_0, and a_1 (Use equaiton (R-I)^2*x_\beta = -(R-I)*o'_\beta.) - Find the plane \sigma, which is perpendicular to rotation axis r, some set of its generators (i.e. vectors that generate it) and draw them into the figure. - Consider next only motion (R,o_\beta'=[1;1;1]) and the corresponding a_1. - What is the relationship between the generators of \sigma and the matrix (R-I)? - Find the point P where motion axis a_1 intersects plane \sigma, and draw it. - Find and draw point P', which is obtained by rotating P by rotation R. - Find and draw point P' ', which is obtained by translating P' along o'_\beta. - What is the relationship between P, P', P' ' and axis a_1? - What is the relationship between rotation axis r and motion axis a_1 when: - R = I - o'_\beta = 0 - o'_\beta is an eigenvector of R === Upload === Upload via the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/|course ware]] the zip archive ''hw04.zip'' containing - hw04.m Matlab script (functions) solving the assignment. - hw04.pdf description of the solution (algorithms, results, comments). - all your additional MATLAB files required by hw04.m