{{page>../menu&nofooter&noeditbutton}} ====== Presentation hints ====== Basic hints to the VGE presentation: - Contents * Title + author + introductory image * motivation - your personal, why to use such an algorithm * principles - in own words and pictures, as you would explain it to the friend * algorithm example animation * algorithm details * comparison to other approaches, if known (especially if a better approach exist) * conclusion + final image or video - Layout * font >= 20pt * title + 7 lines * images when possible * it is each time possible * font on images min 12pt, 20pt is better * page numbers (reference during discussion) - links (more on shorter theses defense, but not only...) * [[http://www.herout.net/blog/2011/12/slajdy-nejsou-prezentace-prezentace-nejsou-slajdy/ | Slajdy nejsou prezentace; prezentace nejsou slajdy]] * [[http://www.herout.net/blog/2012/03/zacnete-prezentaci-otazkou/ | Začněte prezentaci otázkou. Ale…]] * [[http://www.herout.net/blog/2011/05/priprava-na-statnice-slajdy-na-obhajobu-diplomky-bakalarky/ | Příprava na státnice: Slajdy na obhajobu diplomky, bakalářky]]