====== Computer Lab 01, first steps ====== * logon to PCs (or use your own laptops) * see the checklist for visiting/foreign students [[:help:for_visiting_students:newcommers|here]]. All-in-one page for all the CTU passwords you will ever need - [[https://www.felk.cvut.cz/?setLang=en|here]]. * course policy * individual work, what does it mean, can I use web resources? Check the [[help:common:plagiarism_cheating]] ===== Upload system - BRUTE ===== * Familiarize yourself with the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute|BRUTE Upload system]]. * Create an ASCII file ''answer.txt''. It must have exactly 3 rows and one of the letters a,b,c on each. Each letter can appear only once. * Log in to [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/ulohy|upload system]] (username and password are the same as for faculty information system) and upload the file ''answer.txt'' (task 00_Test) ===== practical work ===== * start VS Code * immediate mode - Python console * script mode - how to run the program * simple printing ===== homework ===== * install Python and VS Code on your home computer! [[courses:be5b33prg:tutorials:python|Here]] is how. * go through the first two chapters of the Book [[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|Wentworth2012]], and try some exercises and prepare questions for the next computer lab. ===== weekly homework ===== * Weekly HW will be always discussed during the PC lab and students will have plenty of time to program the solution before the lab ends. * Work on your own but don't hesitate to ask the teacher for your help. * Submit your solution before the end of the lab. If it happens that you need a little bit more time, you are allowed to submit the solution until Friday 23:59. * Successful submission of all weekly homework assignments is required. ===== weekly homework 01 ===== * Create a VS code project. * Create a ''01_weekly_hw.py'' file (module) inside the project you have just created. * Print your name and the result of the following expression (which must be evaluated by Python, not by you): ''15 * 17 - 20 /5'' * Output example: ''John Doe 76.0'' * Upload the ''01_weekly_hw.py'' file to [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute|BRUTE]] (//weekly01// task).