====== Multiagent Systems (BE4M36MAS) Winter 2020/2021 ====== The course provides an introduction to concepts, models and algorithms for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. The first part of the course introduces single-agent models and control architectures; the second, more extensive part explains key multiagent models and algorithms, both for cooperative and non-cooperative multiagent settings. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to understand main multi-agent concepts, be able to map real-world multi-agent problems to multiagent formal models and apply algorithmic techniques to solve them. ===== General Information ===== * **All teaching and tutorials will be held online using Google Meet (sign-in using FEL Google Account)** * Lectures: * Tuesday 9:15-10:45 [[https://meet.google.com/yjv-ftdf-hzo]], 22.9.2020--5.1.2021 * Lecturers: [[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/pechouce|Michal Pěchouček]], [[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/bosanbra|Branislav Bošanský]], [[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/jakobmic|Michal Jakob]], [[http://cs.fel.cvut.cz/en/people/kroupto1|Tomáš Kroupa]] * Tutorials: * Tuesday 11:00-12:30, 14:30-16:00 [[https://meet.google.com/hjo-ryiy-sfg ]], 22.9.2020 -- 5.1.2021 * Tutors:[[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/seitzdom |Dominik Andreas Seitz]],[[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/sustrmic|Michal Šustr]],[[http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/en/people/fiedlda1|David Fiedler]],[[aradhadi@fel.cvut.cz|Aditya Aradhye]] * **Main contacts:** * Regarding lectures/course: branislav.bosansky@agents.fel.cvut.cz * Regarding tutorials: dominik.seitz@aic.fel.cvut.cz (main contact, EN only), michal.sustr@aic.fel.cvut.cz (backup contact) * **Use [[https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/b191/courses/be4m36mas/start#reading_resources|recommended books]] for studying! Slides do not contain all the details.** ===== Links ===== * [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/forum/forum-1678.html|Forum]] * [[http://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/|Upload System]] * [[https://bit.ly/3dpuxm7|On line quizzes]] ===== Grading ===== **Both** the course assessment **and** exam are required to pass the course. The final grade (A..F) will be determined by the sum of points obtained from the assessment and exam (<50 = F, 50-59 pts = E, ..., 90-100 pts = A). ==== Assessment ==== **Minimum of 20 pts** is required from three course miniprojects (out of maximum 40 pts) * Agent programming: max grading: 14 pts. * Game theory: max grading: 14 pts. * Coalitional game theory: max grading: 12 pts. The penalty for submitting the homework assignment after the deadline, but no later than 24 hours after the deadline, is 20% of the points. The penalty for submitting the homework assignment later than 24 hours after the deadline is 100% of the points. ==== Exam ==== **Minimum of 30 pts** is required from the exam (out of maximum 60 pts). * The exam comprises a written part accompanied with a brief oral part. The exam will be written, the discussion about the results of the exam will be via online video-call on on-demand basis. * The capacity of one exam slot is limited to **9 students** due to COVID, all exams will take part in the lecture hall **KN-E301**. * All health-related measures apply: * Safe distance between the students has to be kept during the exam, * you can not attend the exam if you are sick, in quarantine, or experiencing acute COVID symptoms, * using face-masks and hand sanitizer is mandatory, * disinfectants will be also used in the room during the 15 min slot between the exam slots. * Exam topics correspond to the topics covered by lecture slides * Course assessment is required prior to attending an exam **Dates**: * 12.1.2021 (Tue) * 9:45 - 11:15 * 11:30 - 13:00 * 21.1.2021 (Thu) * 9:45 - 11:15 * 11:30 - 13:00 * 2.2.2021 (Tue) * 9:45 - 11:15 * 11:30 - 13:00 Exam from the last years: {{:courses:be4m36mas:040216.pdf|PDF}} ===== Lectures ===== (subject to permutation) ^ Date ^ Topic ^ Lecturer ^ Resources ^ Old Resources ^ |22 Sept |Introduction to multi-agent systems |Pechoucek| [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PJ_xwPzzr-gRGDzgFphSKjpK9UlzUorT/view?usp=sharing|video]] | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2018-l01.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:mas2016-l01-introduction.pdf|1}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:mas2016-l02-architectures.pdf|2}} | |29 Sept | Agent Architectures. Belief-Desire-Intention architecture | Pechoucek | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DDoPqFq1J001hXL2tOPwBZZqpAYt4tSh/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2020-l02.pdf |}}| {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2019-l02-bdi_architecture.pdf |Agent Architectures + BDI}}| |06 Oct | Introduction to Game Theory |Bošanský | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPRUijNNiRmGPxkRQESpYPphJAZ2nUlV/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas_l03_gt_intro_2020.pdf |}} | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:gt_intro_2019.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:mas2016-l03-gt-intro.pdf|3}} | |13 Oct | Solving Normal-form Games | Bošanský | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XZULeToww4v1VkptowQG0gqEMss2T2Bf/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas_l04_nfgs_2020.pdf |}} |{{ :courses:be4m36mas:nfg_2019.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:nfg2.pdf|nfg}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:4.pdf|4}} | |20 Oct | Games in Extensive Form |Bošanský | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CbJYC2GAG1yewdLuKA7esckGehvIPG3K/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas_l05_efgs_2020.pdf |}} | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:efg_2019.pdf |}} {{ :courses:be4m36mas:efg_2018.pdf|efg_2018}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:5.pdf|5}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:efg_2017.pdf|efg_2017}} | |27 Oct | Solving Extensive-Form Games | Bošanský | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a_DjGb6r_f3zUMJRBGdQfz1CKz5ZOIMa/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas_l06_solving_efgs_2020.pdf |}} |{{ :courses:be4m36mas:solving_efg_2019.pdf |}} {{ :courses:be4m36mas:solving_efg_2018.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:solving_efg_2017.pdf|solving_efg_2017}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:6.pdf|6}} | |3 Nov | Other Game Representations |Bošanský | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Goeiw5fNEdA-gFftHa7X73e-WgV_Wds-/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas_l07_beyond_efgs_2020.pdf |}} | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:beyond_2019.pdf |}}{{ :courses:be4m36mas:beyond_2018.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:beyond_2017.pdf|beyond_2017}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:7.pdf|7}} | |10 Nov | Multiagent Resource Allocation | Jakob | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2020-l8-multiagent_resource_allocation-fixed.pdf |slides}}[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fHSkME2jTtZMMbvUJXWQZU3Kid4FJW9i/view?usp=sharing|video]]| | |17 Nov | No lecture | | | | |24 Nov | Auctions 1 | Jakob | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mmHDDa-e6DsDjRu3JoekTLLv17OyE7uA/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2020-l9-auctions-1.pdf | Auctions 1}} | {{ :courses:be4m36mas:auctions_2019.pdf |}}{{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2018-l12-auctions.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:12.pdf|12}} | |1 Dec | Auctions 2 | Jakob | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Xul4CGZGCKhTWuNoFf5ur5YW64f9fj6/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:mas2020-l10-auctions_2.pdf | Auctions 2}} | | |8 Dec | Coalitional Games. The Core | Kroupa | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/17H3XQ16syz9tTIjDKhYHIwSH9aOM8t0o/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:cg01_lectures.pdf |}} | | |15 Dec | The Shapley value| Kroupa | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UL7GSy3ajYG2wRgaaJAlsZWibmVN-xwp/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:cg02_lectures.pdf |}} | | |5 Jan | The Nucleolus | Kroupa | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NCS0STKRlBbcQWces6jFAYuGKMtaczLF/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:cg03_lectures.pdf |}} | | This semester there will be no lecture on **social choice** due to the official harmonogram of teaching (13 lectures). The basic voting rules and the properties of social choice functions are explained in this {{ :courses:be4m36mas:social_2019.pdf |presentation.}} ===== Tutorials ===== ^ Date ^ Topic ^ Lecturer ^ Resources ^ Old resources ^ |22 Sept | Introduction, Overview of the course | Fiedler | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/14V2TON5nBvAQlPpWSq_TYpeAAsWsySFw/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:tutorial_1.pdf |}} [[http://wigsoft.cz/ctu/mas/wumpus|Wumpus' World]] ([[http://wigsoft.cz/ctu/mas/wumpus/solutions.html|solutions]]) | | |29 Sept | Reactive architectures | Fiedler | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sulw_DCSvP9gBHdQUfKfqE2-9-di6Lzq/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:tutorial_2.pdf |}} |{{courses:be4m36mas:bdi2017.pdf|bdi.pdf}} {{courses:be4m36mas:bdi.pdf|}} {{courses:be4m36mas:miner.asl.txt|miner.asl}} | |06 Oct | Assignment 1 | Fiedler |[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VBUjTApT_WiZJI_TalGLhi4fHoekfwRr/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:tutorial_3.pdf |}} | {{courses:be4m36mas:miners.pdf|}}{{courses:be4m36mas:advjason.pdf|}} {{courses:be4m36mas:as1-bundle.zip|assignment from previous run}} | |13 Oct | Normal-Form Games | Šustr, Seitz | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nzVAabEpmI4Dmh314NbCdO8cRlx06wO_/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{courses:be4m36mas:mas_nfg_2020.pdf}} | {{courses:be4m36mas:s_cv_nfg_2019.pdf}}{{ :courses:be4m36mas:cv_nfg_2018.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:nfg_cermak_2017.pdf|}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:nfg.pdf|}} | |20 Oct | Extensive-Form Games | Šustr, Seitz | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G2iB000tJfbhAhcCuuSWHk6UMhOX6s2M/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{courses:be4m36mas:cv_efg_2020.pdf}} |{{courses:be4m36mas:cv_efg_2019.pdf}} {{ :courses:be4m36mas:cv_efg_2018.pdf |}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_nfg_2017.pdf|}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:efg_intro.pdf|}} | |27 Oct | Solving Extensive-Form Games | Šustr, Seitz | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H9gY1teaqbAaNE9pUNs8csJi2s2X8CP6/view?usp=sharing|video]] |{{courses:be4m36mas:cv_solving_efg_2019_2.pdf}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_nfg_efg.pdf|cv_nfg_efg_2017}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:efg_solving.pdf|}} | |3 Nov | Solving Extensive-Form Games 2 | Šustr, Seitz |[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VOwH5uY-QIP1w8r3tLwA-tpwYQzvofsW/view?usp=sharing|video]] | {{courses:be4m36mas: cv_solving2_efg_2019.pdf}}{{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_solving_efg.pdf|cv_solving_efg_2017}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:efg_solving.pdf|}} | |10 Nov | Recap | Šustr, Seitz |[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vxe4L_JtdqQHRTdwu2sb_Ptk0wrtIBLm/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:simple_poker.pdf |Simple Poker LPs}} [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ej45s-_KRNstSCFhMIkRao8lC2Gyd0WP/view?usp=sharing|Video - consultation for the second assignment]] | | |17 Nov | No lab | | | | |24 Nov | Auctions 1 | Šustr, Seitz |[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/13vAflubipWZNEmn1SbFu2fpyo2qg4Ex1/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{:courses:be4m36mas:MAS2020_Auctions1_Lab (1).pdf|}} | {{:courses:be4m36mas:mas_auctions_lab_2019.pdf|}} | |1 Dec | Auctions 2 | Šustr, Seitz | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IwBz2daqa1I7_F_w2Z4a35kpQSB_-mdx/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{:courses:be4m36mas:mas2020_auctions2_lab.pdf}}| {{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_resource.pdf|}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:auctions_tree.ps|}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_auctions_2017.pdf|}} {{:courses:be4m36mas:cv_auctions.pdf|}}| |8 Dec | Coalitional Games. The Core | Aradhye | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M9sR8pNIViLh3_090IZRWvQenYKX5fks/view?usp=sharing|video]] | | |15 Dec | The Shapley Value | Aradhye | [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m-ILe6rlEOQQR7ZGOffhPMlFEBXpzYa6/view?usp=sharing|video]] | | |5 Jan | The Nucleolus | Aradhye |[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/13v5YOFkKudM99ogPE6QS07WkOl4-Sl6I/view?usp=sharing|video]] {{ :courses:be4m36mas:cg_exercises.pdf |}} [[https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/votroto1/nucleolus|Python code for the nucleolus]] | | ===== Reading Resources ===== * [Shoham] Shoham, Y. and Leyton-Brown, K.: Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 9780521899437. * available [[http://www.masfoundations.org/download.html|on-line]] * [Weiss] [[http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/multiagent-systems-1|Weiss, G. (eds): Multiagent Systems, second edition, MIT Press, 2013]] * relevant chapters available on-request from Michal Jakob * [AIMA] Russel, S. a Norvig, P.: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd edition), Prentice Hall, 2003 * relevant chapters available by e-mail request from Michal Jakob * [Wooldridge] Wooldridge, M.: An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2002, ISBN 0-471-49691-X. * relevant chapters available by e-mail request from Michal Jakob ===== Tutorial Resources ===== For running IntelliJ Idea on local machines use command ''/opt/idea-IC-173.4548.28/bin/idea.sh''.