====== Distant form of teaching ====== **Lectures** are organized using [[https://feectu.zoom.us/j/95923406459?pwd%3DeHQ2aHBnK2xWRFlpdlBLNmVQVmZYdz09|Zoom]] **Labs** are organized using MS Teams. If you download and run Teams, in the Teams bookmark you should be able to see at least one of the following teams * Predmet-B201-B4M36UIR * Predmet-B201-BE4M36UIR. Predmet-B201-B4M36UIR corresponds to the first lab (101), which starts at 14:30. This lab is held in Czech. Predmet-B201-BE4M36UIR corresponds to the second lab (102), which starts at 16:15. This lab is held in English. Please note that even if you are registered for the Czech version of UIR, i.e., B4M36UIR, you need to use the Predmet-B201-BE4M36UIR team to connect to the second lab. Therefore, we will add all the B4M36UIR students to Predmet-B201-BE4M36UIR, so that you can chose which lab to attend. After opening your respective team, you should be able to see the "Labs - Czech" or Labs - English" channel, respectively. The respective lab calls will be created in these channels few minutes before the start of the lab.