======MATLAB====== We will be using [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MATLAB|MATLAB]] to solve the assignments. MATLAB is heavily oriented on working with vectors and matrices which is convenient while working with digital images. For the case you are not too sure about your MATLAB skills, here are few **useful links**: * [[http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/OPT/cviceni/01/Matlab-Tutorial.html|List of basic commands]] which are needed to solve most of the tasks (in Czech). * More detailed [[http://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/matlab|MATLAB tutorial]] which also explains basic vectorization principles. * More on vectorization is covered in the 2nd chapter of [[https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/_media/courses/ae4b33rpz/labs/01_intro/bmva_lab.pdf|MATLAB Programming Laboratory]]. * If you are not sure about the basic expressions and functions, print the following [[http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/Spring09/matlab-cheatsheet.pdf|cheat-sheet]]. Use following MATLAB commands to **access the documentation**: * Short help for the sum function describing its arguments and outputs: help sum * Reference page for the sum function containing also example usage: doc sum It can be tricky sometimes to use MATLAB correctly. You should **avoid using for and while loops** if possible and try to **utilize the vectorization** instead. Presentation from the labs: {{:courses:b4m33dzo:labs:introductiontomatlab.pdf|}}