====== Semestral tasks ====== You can come up with * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:own:start|your own semestral task topic]] or you can choose from the following ones: - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:warehouse_layout:start|Warehouse layout]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:supersequence:start|The shortest common supersequence]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:divide_and_conquer:start|Divide and conquer!]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:mtsp:start|TSP with multiple salespersons]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:generalized_tsp:start|Generalized TSP]] - Simulation tasks: * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:vox:start|Voxelize]] * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:aigym:start|AI Gym]] * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:aigym:frozen_lake:start|FrozenLake8x8-v0]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:timetabling:start|Timetabling]] - [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:nn_tuning:start|Tuning of neural networks]] Please, **after the semestral tasks presentation during a lab session**, send **three chosen topics** in the order of your interest to [[petr.posik@fel.cvut.cz]]. The topic can be freely changed until the semestral tasks deadline (if not fully occupied by other students). **One topic can be solved by 3 students at most!** First come, first served. [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RNDaVp6pVnet9OTFeqJ5TLBiy815phu64EedG3GBfqE/edit?usp=sharing|Current assignments of the topics]] ===== Your tasks ===== The chosen semestral task topic shall be solved with - a local search algorithm, - simple evolutionary algorithm and - a specialized EA or memetic algorithm. ===== Requirements for the implementaton ===== * Working code for all solved subtasks. * GUI is not required (but can bring you some bonus points). /* ===== Specifikace formátu souborů s nejlepšími výsledky ===== * {{:courses:a0m33eoa:semestralni_ulohy:format_vysledkoveho_souboru.txt|Formát výsledků}} * {{:courses:a0m33eoa:semestralni_ulohy:vysledkovy_soubor_komprese_obrazu.txt|Formát výsledků - příklad komprese obrázků}} */ ===== Further info: ===== * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:evaluation#semestral_task|Evaluation of the semestral task]] * [[courses:a0m33eoa:en:semestral_tasks:guidelines|Elaboration guidelines for report and presentation]]