Table of Contents

Students exam questions

During the semester, students shall suggest exam questions. A teacher will evaluate each proposed question, and if the question is accepted, the proponent will get 1 point. Each student must collect 3 points for accepted exam questions!

"OMG, why do they want this from us?"

If you want to learn something, teach it!

By trying to find, formulate, and solve suitable exam questions, you will review, clarify, and strenghten various concepts from the lectures.

The list of accepted questions will be open to all students during the whole course and will serve as an additional learning material.

Moreover, the written exam will consist of

Requirements for the proposed questions

The goals that drive all the subsequent requirements:

The requirements:

When can a proposed exam question be rejected

The teacher will reject a proposed question if the question

The acceptance of a submitted exam question is totally in the hands of the teachers. We will try to be generous, and if a not perfect question with a good idea will be submitted, we will help you to elaborate it to an acceptable state.

How to submit

Prepare the question in a document available online (Google Docs, LaTeX/PDF on gitlab, on Overleaf, etc.) and submit a link via this form. Info about submitted/accepted/rejected exam question can be found in this table.

Submit questions right from the beginning of the semester!