====== Semestral project 2: Hidden Markov Models ====== The details will be published later. The goal of this project is to apply and study Hidden Markov Models and related algorithms. * {{:courses:ui:tasks:robot_in_maze_description_old.pdf|Task description for 2019/20}}, {{:courses:ui:tasks:robot_in_maze_description.pdf|Task desription from 2020/21}} * Something to start with: {{:courses:ui:tasks:robot.zip|Python code}} * Templates: {{:courses:ui:tasks:b3m33ui-report-word-template.zip|Word}}, {{:courses:ui:tasks:b3m33ui-report-latex-template.zip|LaTeX}} You should submit * Python module ''hmm_inference.py'' with your implementation of the inference algorithms, * report describing what you have done, and * Python modules/scripts demonstrating any optional parts/additional work you have done. The report may be in Czech or in English, shall have the form of a scientific article, it should be concise, self-contained, showing everything the author wants to show. **This project is a team work**. You shall work in pairs. ** Deadline:** Find the exact date in BRUTE. ** Late policy: ** late solutions will be penalized by 4 points for each started week of delay.