====== Assignment 5: GENE EXPRESSION ====== Please, do not solve before officially presented in class! * 10 points * Deadline: 17.5. 24.5. 2019 23:59 * Your score has to be at least 5.0 points (excluding the late submission penalty). * Late submission penalty: -1 point per day * Submit to [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/brute/|BRUTE]]. * Work individually. * Submit - the downloaded zip file {{ :courses:bin:tutorials:ge_assignment.zip |}} , but with the required source codes modified as needed. If you feel further explanations are necessary, you may optionally also attach a PDF report. * In case of questions contact ''barvijac at fel.cvut.cz'' * The assignment specification can be found at the tutorial page: [[courses:bin:tutorials:tutorial10|Tutorial 10 - Gene expression data analysis]]