===== Exam Example 1 ===== ==== Best Train Connection ==== Hugo is going to travel by train from station A to station B. Unfortunately, there is no direct train connection from A to B. Hugo will have to go by train to another station C, and from there take another train to B. This means that the journey will consist of exactly two consecutive train connections. It does not matter which station will be chosen as a transfer station C. Hugo has a list of all train connections between the stations in the region. He wants to complete the journey in a single day and he wants the duration of the journey to be as short a possible. However, he is limited by the transfer time. He decided he will consider only those pair of connections in which the second connection departs at least 10 minutes after the arrival of the first connection. The duration of a journey is the difference between the arrival time of the second connection and the departure time of the first connection. The transfer duration of a journey is the difference between the departure time of the second connection and the arrival time of the first connection. A journey X is considered better than a journey Y if and only if either the duration of X is smaller than the duration of Y or the duration of X and Y is the same and the transfer duration of X is bigger than the transfer duration of Y. **The task** Write a program that will automate the search for the best connection. **Input description** The first input line contains a positive integer N, the number of connections in the list. The second and the third line contain the name of the start and the end station of the journey, respectively. The list of connections occupies next N lines, each line describes one connection. A connection description consists of four items. The first and the fourth items are different station names. The second item is the departure time from the station specified in the first item. The third item is the arrival time to the station specified in the fourth item. Each time item consists of hour and minute specification, both are two digits long and are separated by a colon. All items on a line are separated by spaces. The value of N is between 2 and 1000. The station names do not contain digits or colons. **Output description** The output consists of two lines. The first line contains the duration of the best journey. The the second line contains the duration of the best journey decreased by the transfer duration of that journey. Both durations are presented in the HH:MM format which is the same as the format of times in the input. It is guaranteed that there is always at least one best journey. **Example 1** Input 5 A B A 01:00 02:30 C A 01:00 02:00 C C 03:00 04:30 B C 02:30 03:30 B C 03:00 04:00 B Output 02:30 02:00 Comment. The connections in the best journey are A 01:00 02:00 C C 02:30 03:30 B **Example 2** Input 7 Mossley West Ashtown Mossley West 15:29 16:18 Titanic Quarter/Bridge End Tara Street 08:33 09:54 Ashtown Mossley West 06:28 08:22 Tara Street Tara Street 12:40 14:34 Ashtown Mossley West 09:55 12:27 Tara Street Titanic Quarter/Bridge End 14:20 17:11 Tara Street Mossley West 06:38 07:41 Tara Street Output 03:16 02:24 Comment. The connections in the best journey are Mossley West 06:38 07:41 Tara Street Tara Street 08:33 09:54 Ashtown **Example 3** Input 25 Rosslare Strand Oranmore Kilcock 03:53 04:27 Rosslare Strand Rosslare Strand 01:18 03:25 Lurgan Gort 08:48 09:35 Rosslare Strand Rosslare Strand 16:02 17:47 Kilcock Lurgan 12:14 13:21 Oranmore Oranmore 10:54 13:49 Rosslare Strand Rosslare Strand 08:07 09:28 Gort Oranmore 18:38 20:37 Kilcock Gort 07:59 10:28 Rosslare Strand Kilcock 16:39 19:28 Oranmore Lurgan 15:59 18:42 Oranmore Oranmore 12:48 13:54 Rosslare Strand Kilcock 19:25 20:57 Lurgan Kilcock 03:09 05:25 Gort Kilcock 02:44 05:10 Rosslare Strand Kilcock 03:36 05:22 Gort Gort 12:52 15:08 Rosslare Strand Rosslare Strand 04:02 05:14 Lurgan Kilcock 06:33 09:05 Rosslare Strand Rosslare Strand 07:55 09:57 Kilcock Gort 18:30 19:11 Kilcock Oranmore 01:57 03:51 Rosslare Strand Gort 08:48 11:46 Kilcock Gort 07:55 10:12 Oranmore Kilcock 17:25 19:28 Lurgan Output 09:19 02:19 Comment. The connections in the best journey are Rosslare Strand 04:02 05:14 Lurgan Lurgan 12:14 13:21 Oranmore ---- **Training data** {{ :courses:be5b33pge:practices:datapub.zip | download }}