====== 06 Sequential I ====== What if we need to decide multiple times with uncertainty and with decisions influencing our future decisions? + α,β exercise solution ===== Quiz ===== > {{page>courses:be5b33kui:internal:quizzes##grid_world}} Navigating through a gridworld and calculating the proper path. > {{page>courses:be5b33kui:internal:quizzes##State value evaluation.}} + exercise from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiWdWXfVhfs (Solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNKk5j52Db8) ===== Individual task ===== [[courses:be5b33kui:labs:sequential_decisions:start|Markov decision process]]. Try running ''mdp_sandbox.py'' and ask if something is not clear.