====== HW 02 - First program on embedded platform ====== * Get familiar with the HW - [[http://www.st.com/stm32nucleo|NUCLEO]] and especially with the [[http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/product-evaluation-tools/mcu-eval-tools/stm32-mcu-eval-tools/stm32-mcu-nucleo/nucleo-f401re.html|NUCLEO-F401RE]] * The description of the board available [[http://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823.pdf|in one document]]. * With help of [[http://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubemx.html?icmp=stm32cubemx_pron_pr-stm32cubef2_apr2014&sc=stm32cube-pr2|STM32 CubeMX]] find the correct settings of the clock distribution for NUCLEO STM32F401 - Revision MB1136 C-03 - see [[http://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00105823.pdf|chapter 6.7 OSC clock]]. * Propose a concept of the communication protocol structure (list of commands and line endings) - e.g. Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments [[http://www.ivifoundation.org/docs/scpi-99.pdf|(SCPI) interface]]. * Get familiar with the extension board [[https://www.adafruit.com/product/802|802]] and its interconnection with NUCLEO * Write a program for NUCLEO board ==== Homework submission ==== Show to the lab instructor you can: * Compile the test project * Transmit the data between NUCLEO and PC (known serial interface) * Present a report containing: * proposal of the communication protocol - what will be the reply for identification request (e.g. *IDN? command) * list of I/O pins used to control the LED * list of I/O pins used to control and read the state of the button * Determine why the serial line initialization requires multiplication by 3 The result of this homework is a file with code (main.c - file name is important) for the **embedded platform** (not for PC) which allows communication between the board and the computer (using GTKterm). Please **do not upload the whole Eclipse project**. These parameters of the program will be evaluated: * 1 point - student is able to compile and upload the program to the Nucleo board. Student is capable to set a break point in the code, stop the execution of the code on a condition and resume the program operation * 1 point - the progam allows for controlling LED state over serial line from a terminal (sending a character is enough). Also the program will report the state of the button on the board based on request received on the serial line. The report about button state can be a line of characters to be sent over serial line saying "Button is pressed." or "Button is released.". * 1 point - student will present a list of commands which will be sent from computer to Nucleo with description what these commands will do - it will be written in the comment section of the source code at the beginning of the main.c file - these commands can be simple characters like 'o' - led on, 'c' - led off, and 'r' - read the state of the button * 1 point - student will present a description of pin IDs and their initialization to control LED and Button - it will be written in the comment section of the source code * 1 point - the program will be able co control the state of the LED based on button e.g. when the button is pressed the LED will switch on and opposite. extra point * 1 point - student will create a report comparing the StdLib and CubeMX HAL libraries, e.g. definition, what they are, what are the differences - it will be written in the comment section of the source code