===== Python Development ===== * The BRUTE uses python version 3.5.3 * Use the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/forum/forum-1592.html|forum]] to discuss any Python issues. * If you want to use an IDE, there is a professional PyCharm licence available at [[https://download.cvut.cz|https://download.cvut.cz]] (but feel free to use [[https://www.xkcd.com/378/|butterflies]] instead). * If you have experience with MATLAB programming, you can start by [[https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/numpy-for-matlab-users.html|Numpy for MATLAB users]]. ===== Common Issues and Solutions ===== * Not working with correct shapes of input/output data: Shapes of all input/output data are defined in the docstring of individual methods. Please strictly stick to the prescribed shapes. * If you want to use i.e. np array <1xn> as (n,), you can use np.squeeze() in the beginning of the method. * For returning data in certain shape, you can use np.expand_dims() or np.at_leastXd() (where X is the number of dimmensions). * The template does not specify something correctly or differs from the assignment text * You are probably using an old version of the template. As noted in the git repository readme: **Keep in mind that the assignments and the assignment templates will be updated during the semester. Always pull the current template version before starting to work on an assignment!** ===== Assignment Templates ===== * All assignment templates are stored in a [[https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/B191_B4B33RPZ/rpz-python-assignment-templates|git repository]] * If you don't know how to use git: [[https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2|Pro Git book]], [[https://try.github.io/]], duckduck, google, ... * Follow the instruction in the repository README * Make sure to get the current template version before starting to work on an assignment * Make sure not to push the repository with your solutions to any public remote (=plagiarism), you can use [[https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/|FEE GitLab]] for private remote repo. * Each assignment template contains a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) that you can use to testrun the assignment functions you implement. **This notebook will not be checked by the BRUTE.** ===== List of Modules Available ===== * The evaluation server has the following packages installed: * numpy (1.12.1) * matplotlib (2.0.0) * scipy (0.18.1) * PIL (4.0.0) * pandas (0.19.2) * If there is something important missing, please contact us on [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/forum/forum-1592.html|forum]]. We will do our best to install it on the evaluation server. ===== Setup recommended by Radim ===== This setup is recommended by Radim Shpetleek(tm)(r).\\ 1. Install [[https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html|Miniconda]], Python version 3.X.\\ 2. Run **conda** CLI.\\ 3. Run conda create --name rpz python=3.5.3 numpy=1.11.3 matplotlib=2.0.0 scipy=0.19 pillow=4.0.0 pandas=0.19.2 4. a) Activate the environment with conda activate rpz and work in the **python** interactive interpreter.\\ 4. b) Use the IDE of your choice (IntelliJ PyCharm, of course) and set the interpreter of your project to the **python** executable/binary in your environment's path. Run your scripts using PyCharm's //configurations//.[[https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user-guide/tasks/integration/python-path/|How to find the path to your environment's interpreter?]]\\