====== 1. Seminar - Hardware description language - Introduction to Verilog ====== In the first part of seminars we will use __**Icarus Verilog**__. \\ The website is: [[http://iverilog.icarus.com/page]] (download, dokumentation, FAQ,..). Alternatives: * Icarus Verilog for Windows: http://bleyer.org/icarus/ (tested on Win 7) \\ If you are using Eclipse, consider this link: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/veditor/index.php?title=Main_Page * ISE WebPack from Xilinx ([[http://www.xilinx.com/support/download]]). After the instalation, you have to run Licence Manager to obtain a valid licence. {{courses:B4M35PAP:tutorials:01:xilinx_vytvoreni_projektu_a_simulace.pdf|}} * Active-HDL Student Edition firmy Aldec ([[http://www.aldec.com/Products]]) - student licence for one year free of charge * ModelSim Student Edition (http://model.com/content/modelsim-pe-student-edition-hdl-simulation) The course goals: * Understand modern CPU and GPU architectures to use them in full power * Ability to join development of new CPU design or use it in custom solutions (i.e. [[https://riscv.org/|RISC-V]]) * Gaining experience by implementation of simple single cycle and then pipelined CPU (MIPS compatible [[https://github.com/cvut/QtMips/|QtMips]]) * Basic how to utilize processing parallelism on all computational systems level **Short introduction to Verilog**: English PDF: {{ .:verilog-en.pdf |}} ODP: {{ .:verilog-en.odp |}} \\ **Git repository with verilog templates**: https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/b4m35pap/stud-support \\ \\ === Exercise 1. === Consider the combinatorial circuit shown in figure below. Describe it in Verilog. \\ {{courses:B4M35PAP:tutorials:01:kombinacni_obvod.png?300|}} \\ \\ **Solution.** We will create a new file //my_circuit.v// with the following content: module my_circuit(input a, b, c, output d, e); assign d = ~(a | b) | (b & c); assign e = (b & c) ^ c; endmodule \\ === Exercise 2. === Create the TestBench for the simulation of the combinatorial circuit from Exercise 1; and perform the simulation. \\ \\ **Solution.** We will create a new file, e.g. //my_circuit_tb.v//, which defines inputs to the circuit (stimulus list). Then we are able to simulate the circuit and observe its outputs. \\ module test(); reg a, b, c; wire x, y; my_circuit my_circuit_XY(a, b, c, x, y); initial begin $dumpfile("test"); $dumpvars; a=0; b=0; c=0; #160 $finish; end always #20 a = ~a; always #40 b = ~b; always #80 c = ~c; always @(x) $display( "The value of x was changed. Time=%d, x=%b. Inputs: a=%b, b=%b, c=%b.",$time, x,a,b,c); endmodule In the command line we will compile both the files, run the simulation, and visualize the results by following commands: iverilog my_circuit.v my_circuit_tb.v ./a.out gtkwave test Alternatively, we can use //vvp// instead of //gtkwave//: iverilog -otest.vvp my_circuit.v my_circuit_tb.v vvp test.vvp \\ === Exercise 3. === Sketch (by the hand) a schematic of the circuit according the following description: if A is equal to 1, then Y is equal to (B and C) else Y is equal to (B xor D) or C The variables A, B, C and D are logical variables. \\ \\ === Exercise 4. === Describe the logic circuit from Exercise 3 in Verilog and perform the simulation. What is the value of Y in the case when A==0, B==1, C==0, D==0? Support your statement by the simulation results. \\ \\ === Exercise 5. === Describe in Verilog following circuit. Keep in mind that it is composed from three identical circuits according the Exercise 1. Use structural description. What is the output when A==0, B==1 and C==1? {{:courses:B4M35PAP:tutorials:01:kombinace.png?500|}} \\