====== 08 Reinforcement Learning I ====== We don't know the model of the robot-agent; it's behaving somewhat strangely, the path to the goal is unknown, with some traps along the way: what do we do? ===== Quiz ===== Traditional quiz: calculate Q values from training episodes using direct evaluation. ===== Individual work ===== Finish the [[courses:be5b33kui:labs:sequential_decisions:start|Markov decision process]] assignment: deadline at the end of the week. Start working on the [[courses:be5b33kui:labs:rl:start|Reinforcement Learning]] assignment, deadline on [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/|BRUTE]]. ===== Other ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH-DNeTAYMM|Mystery game video]], that was at the beginning of the lecture.