Table of Contents

How to Compile MATLAB Mex Files

general guidelines


cd stprtoolbox_path
% when compilemex complains about missing compiler run mex -setup and then compilemex again

If you are not successful, do not hesitate to contact us in the student forum. Please post output of the MATLAB ver command.


  1. Install Command line tools in XCode Preferences → Downloads → Command line tools
  2. Comment out lines 144-145 in stprtool/compilemex.m
    elseif strncmp(cname,'MAC',3)
    %   p = strrep(p,':',':;');
    %   p = strrep(p,'/',':');
  3. In MATLAB
    cd stprtool_path/

Command output should look like:

Compiling MEX files of STPRtool...
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/kernels ../stprtool/kernels/kernel.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/kernels ../stprtool/kernels/diagker.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/svm ../stprtool/svm/smo1d_mex.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/svm ../stprtool/svm/smo_mex.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/svm ../stprtool/svm/bsvm2_mex.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c ../stprtool/optimization/gmnplib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/misc ../stprtool/misc/knnclass_mex.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/svm ../stprtool/svm/svm2_mex.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c ../stprtool/optimization/gnpplib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/kernels -outdir ../stprtool/kernels ../stprtool/kernels/kernelproj_mex.c ../stprtool/kernels/kernel_fun.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/gmnp_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/gmnplib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/gnnls_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/gnnlslib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/gnpp_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/gnpplib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/qpssvm_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/qpssvmlib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/qpbsvm_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/qpbsvmlib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
mex -O -I../stprtool/ -outdir ../stprtool/optimization ../stprtool/optimization/gsmo_mex.c ../stprtool/optimization/gsmolib.c 
/Applications/ line 1022: [: /Volumes/Mac: binary operator expected
MEX-files compiled successfully.

Thanks to Martin Pekař for OS X howto.