~~NOTOC~~ ===== Homework 04 - Rigid motion as a coordinate transformation ===== === Task === Use MATLAB to solve the following problems related to rigid motion. Use different colors to display your results. - Simulate the rigid motion with matrix R and translation o_{\beta'} prescribed by Equation 4.4 in {{http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/cmp/courses/PRO/2014/Lecture/PRO-2014-Lecture.pdf|PRO-2014-Lecture.pdf}}. Basis \beta equals the standard basis \sigma. % approximate rotation R = [0.8047 -0.5059 -0.3106 0.3106 0.8047 -0.5059 0.5059 0.3106 0.8047]; % less approximate rotation [U,D,V] = svd(R); R = U*V'; % translation o_{\beta'} o = [1;1;1]; - Find the coordinates of vectors of \beta' in \beta and vice versa. - Plot vectors of \beta and \beta' in the standard basis, list the numeric values. - Plot coordinate systems (O=0,\beta) and (O',\beta'). i.e. plot the basic vectors as bound vectors originating from points O and O', respectively, list the numeric values. - Plot the bound vector X_\beta = [1;2;3] representing point X in (0,\sigma), list the numeric values. - Plot the position vector in (O',\beta') of point Y represented in (O',\beta') by vector Y_{\beta'} = [1;2;3], list the numeric values. - Consider point Z, where X moves by the motion given above. Plot the bound vector representing the point Z w.r.t. (O=0,\beta), list the numeric values. === Upload === Upload via the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/upload/|course ware]] the zip archive ''hw04.zip'' containing - hw04.pdf report file describing your solution with all figures - hw04.m MATLAB source code, which generates the results and figures for the report - all your additional MATLAB files required by hw04.m