====== Non-parametric probability density estimation - Parzen window ====== As in the previous lab, we are again interested in probability density $p_{X|k}(x|k)$ estimation. Sometimes, however, one is challenged with the problem of **estimating the probability density function without even knowing its parametric form** (cf [[courses:be5b33rpz:labs:04_mle:start|MLE labs]]). In such cases, **non-parametric estimation** using Parzen window method [1] can be applied. The kernel density estimation $\hat{f}_h(x)$ of an unknown distribution $f(x)$ given a set $\{x_1, \ldots, x_n\}$ of independent identically distributed (i.i.d) measurements is defined as $$ \hat{f}_h(x) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n K_h(x - x_i) $$ where $K_h$ is the kernel (a symmetric function that integrates to one) and $h$ is the kernel size (bandwidth). Different kernel functions can be used (see [1]), but we will use $K_h(x) \equiv N(0, h^2)$, i.e. the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation $h$. Please, note that the kernel parameter $h$ does not make the method "parametric". The parameter defines smoothness of the estimate, not the form of the estimated distribution. Nevertheless, the choice of $h$ still influences the quality of the estimate as you will see below. Using cross-validation [4] we will find such value of $h$ that ensures the estimate generalises well to previously unseen data. Finally, using the above estimates of the probability density functions $p_{X|k}(x|k)$, we will once again build a Bayesian classifier for two letters and test it on an independent test set. To fulfil this assignment, you need to submit these files (all packed in a single ''.zip'' file) into the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/sou/ | upload system]]: * **''answers.txt''** - answers to the Assignment Questions * **''assignment_05.m''** - a script for data initialisation, calling of the implemented functions and plotting of their results (for your convenience, will not be checked) * **''my_parzen.m''** - Parzen window estimator * **''compute_Lh.m''** - function for computing cross-validated log-likelihood ratio as a function of $h$ * **''classify_bayes_parzen.m''** - classification using Parzen window density estimates * **''parzen_estimates.png''** - plots of estimates of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ for varying $h$ * **''optimal_h_classA.png''**, **''optimal_h_classC.png''** - graph with optimal bandwidth $h$ for class A and C respectively Start by downloading the **[[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/courses/RPZ/assignment_templates/assignment_parzen_template.zip|template]] of the assignment**. When preparing the archive file for the upload system, **do not include any directories**, the files have to be in the archive file root. ===== Information for development in Python ===== **Experimental. Use at your own risk. ** **Standard is to use Matlab. You may skip this info box if you follow the standard rules.** [[https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/b181/courses/be5b33rpz/labs/python_development|General information for Python development]]. To fulfil this assignment, you need to submit these files (all packed in a single ''.zip'' file) into the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/sou/ | upload system]]: * **''answers.txt''** - answers to the Assignment Questions * **''parzen.ipynb''** - a script for data initialization, calling of the implemented functions and plotting of their results (for your convenience, will not be checked) * **''parzen.py''** - containing the following implemented methods: * **''my_parzen''** - Parzen window estimator * **''compute_Lh''** - function for computing cross-validated log-likelihood ratio as a function of $h$ * **''classify_bayes_parzen''** - classification using Parzen window density estimates * **''parzen_estimates.png''** - plots of estimates of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ for varying $h$ * **''optimal_h_classA.png''**, **''optimal_h_classC.png''** - graph with optimal bandwidth $h$ for class A and C respectively ** Use [[https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/b181/courses/be5b33rpz/labs/python_development#Assignment Templates|template]] of the assignment.** When preparing the archive file for the upload system, **do not include any directories**, the files have to be in the archive file root. ===== The tasks, part 1: Parzen window estimation ===== In this part we will implement the Parzen window density estimation method (see the formula above). For measurements, use the function **''compute_measurement_lr_cont.m''** from previous labs. The data loaded in the ''assignment_05.m'' template contain training data ''trn'' and test data ''tst'' - images and their correct labels. For both, the label 1 denotes an image of letter 'A' and label 2 an image of letter 'C'. Do the following: - For each image from the training set ''trn'' compute the measurement $x$. Store the measurements for different classes separately, i.e. create two vectors ''xA'' and ''xC''.\\ \\ - Complete the template of the function ''**p = my_parzen(x, trn_x, h)**'' so that for a given $x$ (possibly a vector of values) it computes the Parzen estimation of probability density $p_{X|k}(x|k)$. Here, ''trn_x'' is a vector of training measurements for one of the classes (''xA'' or ''xC'') and $h$ is the kernel bandwidth. As the kernel function $K_h(x)$ use the normal distribution $N(0, h^2)$.\\ \\ **Hint:** Use ''normpdf()'' to calculate $K_h$.\\ \\ p = my_parzen([1 2 3], [-1 0 2 1.5 0], 1); p = [0.2264 0.1727 0.0761]; - Use ''my_parzen'' function to estimate the probability distribution $p_{X|k}(x|A)$. Show the normalised histogram of ''xA'' and the estimated $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ for $h \in \{100, 500, 1000, 2000\}$ in one figure (use ''subfigure'' function) and save it as **''parzen_estimates.png''**. * To compute the estimate of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ use your function: $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ = ''my_parzen(x, xA, h)'' * Iterate the variable $x$ e.g. from ''min(xA)'' to ''max(xA)'', with a step of 100.\\ {{ :courses:ae4b33rpz:labs:05_parzen:parzenwindows.png?nolink |}} ===== The tasks, part 2: Finding the optimal kernel size ===== As we have just seen, different values of $h$ produce different estimates of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$. Obviously, for $h=100$ the estimate is influenced too much by our limited data sample and it will not generalise well to unseen examples. For $h=2000$, the estimate is clearly oversmoothed. So, what is the best value of $h$? To assess the ability of the estimate to generalise well to unseen examples we will use 10-fold cross-validation [4]. We will split the training set ten times (10-fold) into two sets $X^i_{\mbox{trn}}$ and $X^i_{\mbox{tst}}$, $i=1,\ldots,10$ and use the set $X^i_{\mbox{trn}}$ for distribution estimation and the set $X^i_{\mbox{tst}}$ for validation of the estimate. We will use the log-likelihood of the validation set given the bandwidth $h$, $L^i(h) = \sum_{x\in X^i_{\mbox{tst}}} log(p_{X|k}(x|A))$, averaged over ten splits $L(h)=1/10 \sum_{i=1}^{10} L^i(h)$ as a measure of the estimate quality. The value of $h$ which maximises $L(h)$ is the one which produces an estimate which generalises the best. See [4] for further description of the cross-validation technique. Do the following: - Estimate the optimal value of the bandwidth $h$ using the 10-fold cross-validation. The procedure (shown for the class A, the class C is analogous) is as follows: - Split the training set ''xA'' into 10 subsets using the ''crossval'' function (**the one from the STPR toolbox!**).\\ \\ - Complete the template function **''Lh = compute_Lh(itrn, itst, x, h)''**.\\ The function needs to compute the log-likelihood $L^i(h)$ on the each pair of training and test sets $X^i_{\mbox{trn}}$ (''itrn{i}'') and $X^i_{\mbox{tst}}$ (''itst{i}'') using the training part for estimation of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ and the test part for computing the log-likelihood. The output is the mean log-likelihood $L(h)$ over all 10 folds. \\ \\ **Hint:** $p_{X|k}(x|A) = \mbox{my_parzen}(x, X^i_{\mbox{trn}}, h)$.\\ \\ - Plot the log-likelihood average $L(h)$ for $h = 100, 150, \ldots, 1000$. Find the optimal value of $h$ using the ''fminbnd'' function and show the density estimate of $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ with the optimal $h$. Save the graphs into **''optimal_h_classA.png''**\\ \\ **Hint:** Use the function ''subfigure'' \\ \\ {{ :courses:ae4b33rpz:labs:05_parzen:optimal_h.png?nolink |}}\\ - Repeat the previous steps to estimate the distribution of $p_{X|k}(x|C)$ (save the figure into **''optimal_h_classC.png''**. \\ \\ - Use the estimated distributions $p_{X|k}(x|A)$ and $p_{X|k}(x|C)$ to create a Bayesian classifier with zero-one loss function:\\ \\ - Estimate the a priori probabilities $p_K(A)$ and $p_K(C)$ on the training set, as you did last week.\\ \\ - Complete the template of the function **''labels = classify_bayes_parzen(x_test, xA, xC, pA, pC, h_bestA, h_bestC)''** which takes the measurements ''x_test'' computed on set ''tst'' and finds a label for each test example.\\ \\ **Hint:** Notice, that ''my_parzen'' returns a probability for any $x$, also for $x\in \mbox{x_tst}$. No need for approximation, interpolation or similar techniques here!\\ {{ :courses:ae4b33rpz:labs:05_parzen:classification.png?nolink |}} ===== Assignment Questions ===== Fill the correct answers to your ''answers.txt'' file. For the following questions **it is assumed you run ''rand('seed', 42);''** always before the splitting of the training set (for both A and C). Subsequent uses of the random generator (including **''crossval''** function) will be unambiguously defined. - Is it possible to estimate $p_{X|k}(x|k)$ outside of the range of the [min(x_trn), max(x_trn)] interval? * a) Yes * b) No * c) Only if we have enough data - What is the optimal value of $h$ for class A and class C rounded to two decimal points? - What is the classification error (in **percents**) of the Bayesian classifier rounded to two decimal points? ===== Bonus task ===== /* **First variant:** * Adapt your code so that it uses the kernel function $K_h(x)$ representing the uniform distribution:\\ $K_h(x) = 1/h$, for $|x| \le h/2$,\\ $K_h(x) = 0$, for $|x| \gt h/2$. */ Adapt your code to accept two dimensional measurements * x = (sum of pixel intensities in the **left** half of the image) - (sum of pixel intensities in the **right** half of the image) * y = (sum of pixel intensities in the **top** half of the image) - (sum of pixel intensities in the **bottom** half of the image) The kernel function will now be a 2D normal distributions with diagonal covariance matrix ''cov = sigma^2*eye(2)''. Display the estimated distributions $p_{X|k}(x|k)$. ===== References ===== * [1] [[wp>Parzen window]] * [2] {{:courses:be5b33rpz:labs:05_parzen:dhsch4part1.pdf|Parzen Windows (Duda,Hart)}} * [3] {{:courses:be5b33rpz:labs:05_parzen:NeparametrOdhady.pdf|Parzen Windows Method (V. Hlaváč)}} in Czech * [4] [[wp>Cross-validation (statistics)|Cross-validation]]