Table of Contents

Introduction to MATLAB

MATLAB will be used for the MPV labs. In case you are not familiar with matlab, study the following parts of the "Getting started with MATLAB (MathWorks)":

(home study)

Other useful tutorial is:

"Matlab Tutorial (Clarkson University)"

Basics of Image Processing in Matlab

Convolution, Image Smoothing and Gradient


Additional study material: chapters [3,4,5] on the Gaussian function, its derivatives and their role in image processing

Geometric Transformations and Interpolation of the Image

What should you upload?

Upload all the Matlab functions implemented in this lab: gauss.m, dgauss.m, gaussfilter.m, gaussderiv.m, gaussderiv2.m, affine.m and affinetr.m into the upload system in a .zip archive. Keep all functions in the root of the .zip archive together with all helper functions required. Follow closely the specification and order of the input/output arguments.


Geometric transformations - hierarchy of transformations, homogeneous coordinates
Geometric transformations - review of course Digital image processing

Checking Your Results

You can check results of the functions required in this lab using the Matlab function publish. Copy the test script test.m into MATLAB path (directory with implemented functions) a run. Compare your results to the reference solution.