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Task 2 - EN - Nonograms


Your task is to write an algorithm that solves a nonogram. The nonograms are brain teasers, defined by a legend linked to a grid used to draw a picture. Each number in the legend sets the number of the following boxes filled with color which belongs to the given number. The following rules hold:

How to solve the task


The program is going to read from the standard input that has the following format:


where each constraint has the format:


where the field “color” applies to the following number and is in a format of the character that represents the color you will use for drawing (for example '#'). The field “number” sets the size of the given block.

Input examples: csp_example.txt, input.txt, krtkek.txt, dino.txt

Output examples: csp_example.txt.out input.txt.out krtek.txt.out, dino.out.txt


Important Information

Think thoroughly through the way how you formalize the task - what is going to be a variable, how are the constraints and whether the edge consistency algorithms may be applied. Start with easy depth search and improve it by using CSP techniques.

In your main class write to the comment section what formalisation you have chosen, how you represent the constraints and what CSP algorithms are implemented.

In the automatic evaluation, your program has to solve 6 different problems in the total time limit of 15 minutes.


You can get up to 14 points for your task:

It is more important to have a correct CSP implementation and integration with AC-3 rather than the fastest algorithm for solving nonograms.

Implementation details


Week 5 - 08/04/2018 23:59