====== Checklist for visiting/foreign students ====== Faculty-wide steps, in case of problems contact [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/en/education/contacts.html|study office]]: - Arrange your university computer account. Remember the password or keep it, you will need it many times. - Register for all the courses you want to attend in the faculty information system [[http://www.kos.cvut.cz/kos/login.do|KOS]]. This is needed, otherwise you will not have a computer account on the Charles square campus. - Register into the time schedule in the faculty information system [[http://www.kos.cvut.cz/kos/login.do|KOS]]. This is needed, otherwise there might not be a place for you and you won't be able to access home assignments (in some courses). Steps related to courses at Charles square campus organized by Department of Cybernetics, [[https://cyber.felk.cvut.cz/study/computer-labs/|Computer Labs info]]: - Get [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/password/|initial password for Novel Network]] at the Charles square. * If you cannot login into the page above with your main password, try setting again the main password. * If it still does not work contact [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/en/education/contacts.html|study office]]. - Being in the Charles square in the computer lab, check that your login into Novel Network works. When login to Novel Network from computers at Charles square (e.g. room KN:E-132) specify following options in the Advanced tab: Tree: FELK Context: student.felk.cvut.cz Server: kstudent * If you cannot login, use the problem reporting form at the [[http://cyber.felk.cvut.cz/teaching/studentcompen.phtml|initial password page]]. - Check your access to the [[https://cw.felk.cvut.cz/ulohy|Home assignments upload system]] (not used by every course). Currently the update of the users database happen once a day at the morning and then it requires manual intervention by the teacher, so signing into the time schedule will not result in being of upload system user immediately. * In case of problems, please contact your teacher. On your laptop (optional): - Install [[http://www.fel.cvut.cz/en/user-info/eduroam/eduroam.html|Eduroam service]], which allows you to connect to the WiFi network in computer rooms as well in other university premises. - Install [[https://download.cvut.cz/info/info.php|MATLAB using university license]] if any of your courses requires matlab. This is also not necessary but very handy.