====== Introduction to MATLAB ====== MATLAB will be used for the MPV labs. In case you are not familiar with matlab, study the following parts of the [[https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/getting-started-with-matlab.html|"Getting started with MATLAB (MathWorks)"]]: * Matrices and Arrays - (Expressions, Working with Matrices, More About Matrices and Arrays) * Graphics - (Editing Plots, Mesh and Surface Plots, Images) * Programming - (Flow Control, Other Data Structures, Scripts and Functions) (home study) Other useful tutorial is: [[http://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/matlab/|"Matlab Tutorial (Clarkson University)"]] ====== Basics of Image Processing in Matlab ====== ===== Convolution, Image Smoothing and Gradient ===== * The Gaussian function is often used in image processing as a low pass filter for noise reduction, or as a windowing function weighting points in a neighbourhood. Implement the function ''G=gauss(x,sigma)'' that computes values of a (1D) Gaussian with zero mean and variance $\sigma^2$:\\ $$ G = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\cdot e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} $$\\ in points specified by vector ''x''. * Implement function ''D=dgauss(x,sigma)'' that returns the first derivative of a Gaussian\\ $$\frac{d}{dx}G(x) = \frac{d}{dx}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\cdot e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma^3}\cdot x\cdot e^{-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}} = -\frac{x}{\sigma^2}G(x)$$\\ in points specified by vector ''x''. * Get acquainted with the function ''conv2''. * The effect of filtering with Gaussian and its derivative can be best visualized using an impulse (1-nonzero-pixel) image: sigma = 6.0; x = [-ceil(3.0*sigma):ceil(3.0*sigma)]; G = gauss(x, sigma); D = dgauss(x, sigma); imp = zeros(49); imp(25,25) = 1.0; out = conv2(D, G, imp, 'same'); ... imagesc(out); % or surf(out); try to find out impulse responses of other combinations of the Gaussian and its derivatives. * Examples of impulse responses: \\ {{https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/old/_media/courses/a4m33mpv/cviceni/1_uvod/derivatives.png}} \\ * Write a function ''out=gaussfilter(in,sigma)'' that implements smoothing of an input image //in// with a Gaussian filter of width ''2*ceil(sigma*3.0)+1'' and variance $\sigma^2$ and returns the smoothed image //out// (e.g. {{:courses:mpv:labs:1_intro:lena512.png?linkonly|Lena}}). Exploit the separability property of Gaussian filter and implement the smoothing as two convolutions with one dimensional Gaussian filter (see function ''conv2''). * Modify function gaussfilter to a new function ''[dx,dy]=gaussderiv(in,sigma)'' that returns the estimate of the gradient (gx, gy) in each point of the input image //in// (MxN matrix) after smoothing with Gaussian with variance $\sigma^2$. Use either first derivative of Gaussian or the convolution and symmetric difference to estimate the gradient. * Implement function ''[dxx,dxy,dyy]=gaussderiv2(in,sigma)'' that returns all second derivatives of input image //in// (MxN matrix) after smoothing with Gaussian of variance $\sigma^2$. ==== References ==== [[http://www.bmia.bmt.tue.nl/education/courses/FEV/book/index.html|Additional study material: chapters [3,4,5] on the Gaussian function, its derivatives and their role in image processing]] ===== Geometric Transformations and Interpolation of the Image ===== * Implement function ''A=affine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)'' that returns 3x3 transformation matrix A which transforms point in homogeneous coordinates from canonical coordinate system into image: (0,0,1)->(x1,y1,1), (1,0,1)->(x2,y2,1), (0,1,1)->(x3,y3,1). \\ {{ https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/old/_media/courses/a4m33mpv/cviceni/1_uvod/affine.png?500 }} \\ * Write function ''out=affinetr(in,A,ps,ext)'' that warps a patch from image //in// (MxN matrix) into canonical coordinate system. Affine transformation matrix //A// (3x3 elements) is a transformation matrix from the canonical coordinate system into image from previous task. The parameter //ps// defines the dimensions of the output image (the length of each side) and //ext// is a real number that defines the extent of the patch in coordinates of the canonical coordinate system. E.g. ''out=affinetr(in,A,41,3.0)'', returns the patch of size 41x41 pixels that corresponds to the rectangle (-3.0,-3.0)x(3.0,3.0) in the canonical coordinate system. Top left corner of the image has coordinates (0,0). Use bilinear interpolation for image warping. Check the functionality on this {{ :courses:mpv:labs:1_intro:img1.png?linkonly |image}}. \\ {{ https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/old/_media/courses/a4m33mpv/cviceni/1_uvod/affinetr.png?600 }} \\ ===== What should you upload? ===== Upload all the Matlab functions implemented in this lab: ''gauss.m'', ''dgauss.m'', ''gaussfilter.m'', ''gaussderiv.m'', ''gaussderiv2.m'', ''affine.m'' and ''affinetr.m'' into the upload system in a .zip archive. Keep all functions in the root of the .zip archive together with all helper functions required. Follow closely the specification and order of the input/output arguments. ==== References ==== [[http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall00/cs426/lectures/transform/transform.pdf|Geometric transformations - hierarchy of transformations, homogeneous coordinates]]\\ [[http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~hlavac/TeachPresCz/11DigZprObr/18BrightGeomTxCz.pdf|Geometric transformations - review of course Digital image processing]] ===== Checking Your Results ===== You can check results of the functions required in this lab using the Matlab function publish. Copy the test script {{ :courses:mpv:labs:1_intro:test.m |test.m}} into MATLAB path (directory with implemented functions) a run. Compare your {{ :courses:mpv:labs:1_intro:results.zip |results}} to the [[http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~perdom1/mpv/01_uvod/test.html|reference solution]].