====== Vybrané projekty 17/18 ZS====== (odevzdané studenty v zimním semestru akademického roku 2017-2018) Všechny projekty jsou uvedeny se jménem studenta a oborem jeho studia, screenshotem a krátkým popiskem. Jde o původní práci studentů, všechny m-soubory jsou zkompilovány do p-souborů, projekty jsou spustitelné. Všechny práce jsou zveřejněny se souhlasem autorů. ===== Genetic Algorithm on pictures in MATLAB ===== {{ :courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:brejchova_gaonpictures.png?200|}}Kateřina Brejchová Otevřená informatika - obor Informatika a počítačové vědy, 2. ročník Stažení: {{:courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:brejchova_gaonpictures.zip|ZDE}} (vytvořeno ve verzi R2017a) ===== Rubik's Cube Solver ===== {{ :courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:brich_rubikscubesolver.jpg?200|}}Tomáš Brich 2. ročník magisterského programu KyR - obor Robotika __Popis:__ The goal of the project was to develop a Rubik's Cube solver, including visualization of the cube in GUI. The resulting program can solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube by reaching given predefined cube states - it does not solve the cube in an optimal number of steps, as it would not be computationally feasible. The GUI allows the user to either choose a starting cube state or to let the program generate a random one. During the solving visualization, the user can choose additional options like rotation speed or pausing the visualization after each step. Even though the solver currently supports only 3x3 cubes, the GUI is already prepared for higher dimension cubes. The program can be run by command ''Rubik(3)''. Stažení: {{:courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:brich_rubikscubesolver.zip|ZDE}} (vytvořeno ve verzi R2017b) ===== Tron ===== {{ :courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:madera_tron.png?200|}}Jan Maděra 2. ročník, OI __Popis:__ Game based on 1982 movie Tron for 2-4 players. Your goal is to survive longer than other players by avoiding collisions with walls. To eliminate other palyers you have to cross their path and force them to crash. Stažení: {{:courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:madera_tron.zip|ZDE}} (vytvořeno ve verzi R2016b) . ===== Generování fraktálů pomocí L-Systémů ===== {{ :courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:subrtova_lsystems.png?200|}}Adéla Šubrtová 3. ročník bakalářský, Otevřená Informatika __Popis:__ Application draws 3D fractal generated by given L-System (formal grammar). Grammar can have up to 6 variables. User sets colour, length and value of each variable. Supported constants are +-/\&^ for rotation and [] for branching. Other inputs are: number of iterations and initial rule (axiom). Saving and loading grammar is possible as well as saving resulting fractal as png. Stažení: {{:courses:a0b17mtb:projects:chosen_projects:17_18_zs:subrtova_lsystems.zip|ZDE}} (vytvořeno ve verzi R2016b)