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Assignment Upload System

All assignments in A4B33ALG are handled by an assignment upload system. Students are supposed to deliver self-contained source codes independent of other than standard libraries. The source codes can be in one of the currently supported languages:

 JAVA, C or C++ 
The easiest way to submit an assignment is to create a .zip archive with required files and structure and upload it to the system (refer to manual to the upload system in czech or english ).

All assignments are automatically evaluated and thus must meet following requirements:

C, C++

A C,C++ assignment can contain any combination of C and C++ source files. All the source files must reside in the root directory of the archive.

The automated evaluation system compiles all source codes with .c, .cpp and .cxx extensions and links together all object files. One of the source files must contain function main.


A JAVA assignment can contain multiple files with .java extension. File Main.java containing Main class is required. All JAVA classes must reside in alg package. All the files must be placed in alg/ directory. Please be careful with the case of the letters when naming the source files, JAVA is strictly case sensitive (i.e. Main class must reside in Main.java).

During the automated evaluation, system compiles all source codes with .java extension.


All source files must reside in the root directory of the archive. The main program must reside in the file named main.pas.


… In preparation …

Environment details

Your assignments are evaluated in 64-bit Linux environment. While this should not be a problem in most cases, please keep in mind that UNIX and Windows systems have a different newline conventions.

Compilers used:

  • GCC version 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.2), Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, with cmd options -Wall -O3.
  • Java version “1.6.0_17”, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04), Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01, mixed mode)
  • FPC version 2.2.2
courses/ae4b33alg/upload_system.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/23 13:50 by berezovs