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Credit Allowance Conditions

  • Participation and active work at all seminars.
  • Midterm test.


Maximal amount of points, which can be received during the course, is 100.

45 points can be received during the semester:

  • assignment: 30 points (min 15 points),
  • midterm test: 15 points (min 7 points):

55 points can be received at the final exam:

  • written exam test: 40 points (can be passed only with at least 20 points),
  • oral exam: 15 points.

Extra points can be acquired through exceptional assignments.

Points for each mark:

Points Grade ECTS Evaluation
100 - 90 A excellent
89 - 80 B very good
79 - 70 C good
69 - 60 D satisfactory
59 - 50 E sufficient
49 and less F failed

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courses/a4m33bia/evaluation.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/04 21:20 by kubalik