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Schedule at FEE Students of PAL Upload system Forum

1st week

Asymptotic complexity recap. Problems for training here and here.

An introduction to Upload system, not classified 0. programming task, its specification can be found here.
Write a program that solves the task. Upload it and check how the system assess it. Follow strictly the rules specified at Upload System.

2nd week

Graphs and their representations. Problems for training here.

3rd week

Spanning trees and minimum spanning trees of graphs. Problems for training here.

4th week

Binary heap, binomial heap, Fibonacci heap. Problems for training here.

Next weeks

Text searching I with no solutions here.
Text searching II with solutions here.
Huffman coding with solutions here.

We are preparing the rest.

courses/ae4m33pal/seminars.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/04 13:02 (external edit)