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Seminář z předmětu A4B33ZUI / Tutorials/Labs of A4B33ZUI

No. Téma cvičení / Topic Zdroje / Sources Odkazy / Links
1 — canceled —-
2 State Space and Uninformed Search Seminar 1
3 Informed Search Seminar 2
4 A* and advanced techniques Seminar 3
5 Two Player Games Seminar 4 ab.java node.java
6 CSP Seminar 5
7 TEST on alpha-beta, CSP2 Seminar 6
8 KR and automated theorem proving Solved problems Prover9
9 Situation calculus Wumpus_gold, Wumpus_pits TASK 3, monkey_report
10 Single decisions under uncertainty, VPI Solved examples for VPI see Lecture 9
11 Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) TASK 4, MDPToolbox
12 Kripke structures and their properties Some formulas valid in Kripke structures,Formal systemTASK 5,TASK 6
13 What Modal Logic is good for?MOL and common knowledge in some real-life problems Task7,Task8,Task9
14 TBD
courses/a4b33zui/seminars.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/31 17:48 by stepanko