Tutorials — ae4b33flp

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No. Date Topic
1. 23.2 Scheme. First look at Scheme and its environment. Program debugging. Basic examples. Recursion. Accumulator.
2. 2.3 Operations with lists.
3. 9.3 Lambda abstraction. Tail recursion. High-order functions.
4. 16.3 Applications of Scheme.
5. 23.3 Solving combinatorial problems: permutation generation, power set generation.
6. 30.3 Haskell. First look at Haskell and its environment. Program debugging. Basic examples.
7. 6.4 Haskell's type system. Automatic types and corresponding functions derivations.
8. 13.4 Test from functional part, Prolog as a database
9. 20.4 Unification, Lists.
10. 27.4 Cut, Tail-recursion, Efficient programming with cut.
11. 4.5 Search algorithms
13. 18.5 Test from the logic part, proof trees for recursive predicates.
14. 25.5 Term manipulation, advanced algorithms.